School of Medicine, Clinical and Translational Research Center Biostatistics Unit (Shinanomachi)
Project Associate Professor (Non-tenured)
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Nagashima, Kengo
Keio University Hospital, Biostatistics Unit, Clinical and Translational Research Center, Project Associate Professor
Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Lecturer (part-time)
Nippon Medical School, Lecturer (part-time)
National Cancer Center Research Institute, Division of Cancer Therapeutics, Visiting Scientist
Josai University, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Research Associate
Tokyo University of Science, Faculty of Engineering
University, Graduated
Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Tokyo University of Science, Graduate School of Engineering
Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
B.Sc. in Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Coursework, 2006.03
M.Sc. in Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Coursework, 2008.03
Ph.D. in Engineering, Tokyo University of Science, Coursework, 2014.03
Natural Science / Basic mathematics
Natural Science / Applied mathematics and statistics
Life Science / Medical management and medical sociology
Informatics / Statistical science
Causal inference
Survival analysis
佐藤俊太朗, 藤井亮輔, 芝孝一郎, 後藤匡啓, 今村文昭(監訳), 長島健悟, ほか(訳), 学術図書出版社, 2024.05
Original author: Lash TL, VanderWeele TJ, Haneuse S, Rothman KJ (eds.)
星野崇宏,繁桝算男,猪狩良介,宇佐美慧,岡田謙介,加藤諒,篠崎智大,篠田和彦,清水祐弥,高井啓二,高田悠矢,高橋耕史,高畑圭祐,長島健悟,野間久史,長谷川泰大,福元健太郎,二荒麟,宮崎慧,森川耕輔,若野綾子, 朝倉書店, 2023.07
苅谷瞳,西田典充,齋藤雄介(監訳),馬場美彦,麸沢美裕,髙勇羅,藤井亮輔,浅野裕太,小山佑奈,山浦礼子,谷拓朗,川添百合香,中村星斗,西川寛来,長島健悟,茅野大志,伏見淳,平友樹,佐藤俊太朗,山口征啓,中根優里,堺琴美,石原裕也(訳), 2022.10
Original author: Neale B, et al.
平川晃弘, 五所正彦, 安藤英一, 佐藤泰憲, 高橋翔, 竹内久郎, 長島健悟, 中水流嘉臣, 野間久史, 藤井陽介, 松岡信篤, 松永信人, 丸尾和司, 山田将之, 朝倉書店, 2018.09
五所正彦, 佐藤泰憲, 竹内久朗, 長島健悟, 中水流嘉臣, 平川晃弘, 松永信人, 山田雅之, 東京大学出版会, 2014.04
Okui J*, Nagashima K*, Matsuda S*, Sato Y, Okamura A, Kawakubo H, Muto M, Kakeji Y, Kono K, Takeuchi H, Watanabe M, Doki Y, Bamba T, Fukuda T, Fujiwara H, Sato S, Noma K, Miyata H, Fujita T, Kitagawa Y
British Journal of Surgery 111 ( 2 ) znae038 2024.02
Joint Work, Lead author, Accepted, ISSN 00071323
Bias in odds ratios from logistic regression methods with sparse data sets
Masahiko Gosho, Tomohiro Ohigashi, Kengo Nagashima, Yuri Ito, Kazushi Maruo
Journal of Epidemiology 33 ( 6 ) 265 - 275 2023.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 0917-5040
Nagashima K, Noma H, Sato Y, Gosho M
Pharmaceutical Statistics 20 ( 3 ) 499 - 511 2021.05
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 15391604
Prediction intervals for random-effects meta-analysis: a confidence distribution approach
Nagashima K, Noma H, Furukawa TA
Statistical Methods in Medical Research 28 ( 6 ) 1689 - 1702 2019.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 09622802
Information criteria for Firth's penalized partial likelihood approach in Cox regression models
Nagashima K, Sato Y
Statistics in Medicine 36 ( 21 ) 3422 - 3436 2017.09
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Statistical inference for random-effects meta-analyses under model misspecification
Nagashima, Kengo
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2021
【現代の臨床研究のための統計学2022-洗練された研究デザインと統計解析を理解してみよう】方法論の近年の発展 アダプティブデザインの基礎 実例とともに
長島 健悟, 佐藤 泰憲
医学のあゆみ (医歯薬出版(株)) 280 ( 5 ) 442 - 450 2022.01
Joint Work, ISSN 0039-2359
佐藤 泰憲, 長島 健悟, 高橋 翔
日小ア誌 (日本小児アレルギー学会) 30 ( 4 ) 580 - 586 2016
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0914-2649
佐藤 泰憲, 長島 健悟, 高橋 翔
日小ア誌 (日本小児アレルギー学会) 30 ( 2 ) 190 - 197 2016
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0914-2649
佐藤 泰憲, 長島 健悟, 高橋 翔
日小ア誌 (日本小児アレルギー学会) 30 ( 5 ) 659 - 665 2016
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0914-2649
佐藤 泰憲, 長島 健悟, 高橋 翔
日小ア誌 (日本小児アレルギー学会) 29 ( 5 ) 718 - 723 2015
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0914-2649
Okui J, Nagashima K, Matsuda S, Sato Y, Okamura A, Kawakubo H, Muto M, Kakeji Y, Kono K, Takeuchi H, Watanabe M, Doki Y, Bamba T, Fukuda T, Fujiwara H, Sato S, Noma K, Miyata H, Fujita T, Kitagawa Y
ASCO 2024 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium,
Poster presentation
Hirano H, Yamada Y, Nagashima K, Hiraoka N, Sekine S, Takahashi N, Azuma M, Iwasa S, Kanato K, Machida N, Kinoshita T, Hata H, Kawakami H, Takahari D, Ojima T, Kadowaki S, Boku N, Kurokawa Y, Terashima M, Yoshikawa T
ASCO 2024 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium,
Poster presentation
Yoshii T, Yamamoto S, Kato K, Daiko H, Hara H, Kojima T, Abe T, Tsubosa Y, Kawakubo H, Fujita T, Kadowaki S, Tsushima T, Matsuda S, Nagashima K, Aoki K, Yachida S, Kitagawa Y
ASCO 2024 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium,
Poster presentation
The FSTL1-DIP2A axis as a promising target in the anti-PD1 therapy of advanced gastric cancer
Kudo-Saito C, Boku N, Shoji H, Imazeki H,Nagashima K, Tsugaru K, Takahashi N, Kawakami T, Amanuma Y, Wakatsuki T, Okano N, Narita Y, Yamamoto Y, Kizawa R, Aoki K, Muro K
SITC 38th Annual Meeting (SITC 2023),
Oral presentation (general)
Yamamoto K, Hirose T, Takashima A, Yamazaki K, Yukami H, Uetake H, Tsuda M, Suto T, Moriwaki T, Sugimoto N, Ojima H, Takii Y, Yasui H, Esaki T, Tsuji A, Goto M, Sawada R, Otsu S, Shinozaki K, Nagashima K, Shimada Y.
ESMO Congress 2023,
Poster presentation
Statistical inference for random-effects meta-analyses under model misspecification
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists, Kengo Nagashima, Research grant, Principal investigator
Statistical inference for rare event data and its application in clinical researches
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Kengo Nagashima, Research grant, Principal investigator
Clinical development of blood biomarkers for malignant risk stratification from precancerous pancreatic lesions using estimation of pancreatic exocrine function
Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Practical Research for Innovative Cancer Control, Kazufumi Honda, Commissioned research, Coinvestigator(s)
全国健康保険協会, 健康・医療情報を活用した委託研究事業, Commissioned research, Coinvestigator(s)
Research to promote public awareness for supporting women's physical and mental health toward improving the healthy life expectancy
The Ministry of Health Labour and Welfare, Health Labour Sciences Research Grant, Kyoko Nomura, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
Public Health
2023, Autumn Semester, Undergraduate (specialized), Laboratory work/practical work/exercise
Design and analysis of clinical trials
2023, Autumn Semester, Postgraduate, Lecture
2023, Spring Semester, Postgraduate, Lecture
Biostatistics and Medical Informatics
2023, Spring Semester, Undergraduate (liberal arts), Lecture
Spring Semester, Postgraduate, Lecture
Linear statistical inference
Graduate School of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
Spring Semester, Postgraduate, Lecture, Within own faculty
Introduction of Clinical Research
Graduate School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
Autumn Semester, Lecture
Postgraduate, Lecture
Principles of Biostatistics
Graduate School of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chiba University
Autumn Semester, Seminar
2022年計量生物セミナー (講演)
2021年計量生物セミナー (座長)
2020年計量生物セミナー (オーガナイザー・司会・講演)
Associate Editor: Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Scienc
編集委員: 計量生物学
The International Biometric Society,
American Statistical Association,
日本計量生物学会 評議員
統計質保証推進協会 統計検定問題策定委員会第一分科会 委員
日本計量生物学会 企画委員
鳥取大学医学部附属病院 臨床研究審査委員会 技術専門員