佐々木 詩月 (ササキ シヅキ)

Sasaki, Shizuki



研究所・センター等 グローバルリサーチインスティテュート (三田)




論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Random depolarization film design based on modulation transfer function measurements of displays with different pixel pitches

    Sasaki S., Masaoka K., Koike Y.

    Applied Optics 63 ( 11 ) 2900 - 2905 2024年04月

    ISSN  1559128X


    Polarized light emitted frommost displays causes blackout and color change problems when viewed through polarized sunglasses. These problems are addressed by random depolarization films (RDFs) doped with birefringent particles. These dopant particles, however, scatter light and degrade the sharpness of the displayed images.To maintain the image sharpness, we designed an RDF based on modulation transfer function measurements of displays with different pixel pitches. RDFs doped with larger particles achieved higher modulations; however, particles larger than a specific size caused undesirable sparkles on the displayed image. A display with a larger pixel pitch achieved higher modulations, suggesting that the RDF is particularly suitable for large-screen displays.

  • Proposal of Novel Random Depolarization Film for Real-Color Displays with Sharp Images

    Sasaki S., Koike Y.

    Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium 55 ( 1 ) 425 - 428 2024年

    ISSN  0097966X


    The random depolarization film (RDF), a polymer film doped with birefringent particles, converts linearly polarized light to randomly polarized light. This paper shows that a novel RDF with controlled birefringence resolves polarization problems of the display such as blackout, color change, and color mura problems. Furthermore, the novel RDF achieved a higher contrast ratio and a sharper image than a conventional RDF doped with calcite particles.

  • Design of Random Depolarization Films Based on Modulation Transfer Function Measurements

    Sasaki S., Masaoka K., Koike Y.

    Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium 54 ( 1 ) 547 - 550 2023年

    ISSN  0097966X


    The random depolarization film (RDF), a polymer film doped with birefringent microparticles, solves polarization problems of displays. To design the RDF that realizes sharper images, the optimal dopant particle size and suitable display’s pixel size were investigated based on modulation transfer function (MTF) measurements. The MTFs indicated that the dopant particle size of the RDF and the pixel size of the display should be larger to prevent the sharpness degradation.

  • Random depolarization film design for real-color displays

    Sasaki S., Udono M., Koike Y.

    Applied Optics 61 ( 3 ) 669 - 675 2022年01月

    ISSN  1559128X


    Liquid crystal displays and organic light-emitting diode displays emit polarized light through polarizers and quarter-wave plates, which cause blackout and color change problems when the displays are viewed through polarizers, such as polarized sunglasses. Random depolarization films (RDFs) are polymer films doped with calcite particles, which randomize the polarization of light emitted from displays to resolve polarization problems. To realize displays without any color change, we investigate the retardation values and fabrication conditions required for RDFs. Analysis of the transmittance spectra and interference colors of different RDFs suggested that retardation values of approximately 600–1200 nm are sufficient to realize real-color displays. In addition, the color change measurements of displays with the RDFs revealed that an optimal dopant particle size exists and that the RDFs doped with 3.6 and 7.3 µm calcite particles achieved chromaticity changes of less than 0.02 for all 24 colors in the Macbeth chart.

  • Improvement of Color Mura by Using a Triple-Zero-Birefringence Polymer Film

    Sasaki S., Koike Y.

    Proceedings of the International Display Workshops 29   332 - 335 2022年

    ISSN  18832490


    This study proposes triple-zero-birefringence polymer (TZBP) to prevent color mura due to birefringence of polymer films used in displays. Chromaticity measurements of the display clarified the advantage of the TZBP film to prevent the color mura and reproduce an actual color of the displays.

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