三原 龍太郎 (ミハラ リョウタロウ)

Mihara, Ryotaro



経済学部 (日吉)



経歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2020年04月

    慶應義塾大学, 経済学部, 准教授

  • 2016年09月

    ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ研究院, 金融経営学部, 講師

  • 2003年04月


学歴 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2013年10月

    オックスフォード大学, 文化人類学研究科

    グレートブリテン・北アイルランド連合王国(英国), 大学院, 修了, 博士

  • 2007年08月

    コーネル大学, 大学院(文化人類学専攻)

    アメリカ合衆国, 大学院, 修了, 修士

  • 1998年04月

    東京大学, 教養学部, 超域文化科学科 文化人類学分科

    大学, 卒業

学位 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 博士, オックスフォード大学, 課程, 2017年09月

    Brokering Anime: How to Create a Japanese Animation Business Bridge between Japan and India

  • 修士, コーネル大学, 課程, 2009年08月

  • 学士(教養), 東京大学, 課程, 2003年03月

職務上の実績に関する事項 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 2018年10月





研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 人文・社会 / 文化人類学、民俗学

  • 創造産業論

  • アニメーション研究

  • 日本研究

研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 文化人類学

  • 経営人類学

  • エスノグラフィ

  • 創造産業

  • アニメ

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研究テーマ 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 創造産業における日本とアジアの協働の実態と今日的変容に関する民族誌的研究, 



著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ハルヒ・in・USA ─ 日本アニメ国際化の研究

    三原龍太郎, NTT出版, 2010年07月

  • クール・ジャパンはなぜ嫌われるのか ─ 「熱狂」と「冷笑」を超えて

    三原龍太郎, 中央公論新社, 2014年04月

  • インドでアニメビジネスを成立させることは可能か?

    三原龍太郎, 一般財団法人デジタルコンテンツ協会, 2015年09月

    担当ページ: 220-227

  • アニメの社会学

    三原龍太郎, 山下一夫, ナカニシヤ出版, 2020年10月

    担当範囲: 日本のアニメビジネスの海外展開と中国 ─ 鍵概念としてのブローカー,  担当ページ: 148-157

  • マンガ探求13講

    三原龍太郎, 豊永真美, 水声社, 2022年11月

    担当範囲: 「日本」から「日本語」へ ─ マンガの国境をこえた展開に係る在仏マンガ出版社Ki-oonのケーススタディ,  担当ページ: 311-344

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • A coming of age in the anthropological study of anime? Introductory thoughts envisioning the business anthropology of Japanese animation

    Mihara, Ryotaro

    Journal of Business Anthropology 9 ( 1 ) 88 - 110 2020年

    研究論文(学術雑誌), 単著, 査読有り


    This article highlights how Anglophone anthropological studies of Japanese animation (anime) have overlooked its businesspeople (such as producers, investors, merchandisers, and entrepreneurs) by formulaically advocating anime creators and fans as crusaders subverting the global dominance of Euro–American global entertainment capitalism. Contextualising such orientation as an example of what Gayatri Spivak calls “strategic essentialism”, the article further explores how to break out of this essentialist impasse of analysis in the anthropological approach to anime. The article suggests that a potential exit might exist through envisioning the business anthropology of anime, i.e. by casting an ethnographic focus on anime’s businesspeople as the legitimate interlocutors for anthropological inquiries into anime. The author further explores the preliminary theoretical implications of this analytical turn through his own business ethnography of an international start-up venture of anime merchandising.

  • Involution: A perspective for understanding the Japanese animation’s domestic business in a global context

    Mihara, Ryotaro

    Japan Forum 32 ( 1 ) 102 - 125 2020年

    研究論文(学術雑誌), 単著, 査読有り


    This article proposes the concept of ‘involution’ as a perspective to understand the socioeconomic dynamics of the domestic business practices within the Japanese animation (anime) sector in relation to its overseas performance. There is a counterintuitive gap between the prevalent assumption that anime is globally popular and its weak overseas performance. Leaving the detail of anime's business aspects relatively unexamined, the literature on anime has particularly failed to address the ‘inward-looking’ feature of the business of the Japanese anime sector. Based on long-term fieldwork of the business players in the Japanese anime sector in Tokyo, this article suggests ‘involution’ as a key concept to fill this void. This concept, developed by anthropologist Clifford Geertz, refers to the process by which a group develops internally by sticking to existing modes of operation rather than by opening up to the outer world. This article depicts how we might understand the socioeconomic dynamics of the Japanese anime sector's mainstream domestic market centrist mode of operation in the context of involution. It also explores how the concept could catalyse us to envision the alternative future of anime, other than assuming anime's global popularity: the involuting Japanese anime sector might be allowing Euro-American and Chinese internet conglomerates to intervene and take over, turning the Japanese anime sector into one of their subcontractors from which they can exploit the sector's creativity.

  • Brokering Anime: How to Create a Japanese Animation Business Bridge between Japan and India

    Mihara, Ryotaro


    学位論文(博士), 単著, 査読有り


    This thesis ethnographically examines the globalising of the Japanese animation (anime) business in the context of the creative industries, of Japan’s politico-economic position in Asia, and of brokerage. Influencing the world’s entertainment, creators, and youth culture, anime is one of the crucial lenses through which one can examine Japan’s presence in the world. Despite the prevalent assumption that anime is globally popular, this thesis highlights the precarious performance of the anime business overseas, and examines it through an entrepreneurial anime business project trying to bridge the Japanese anime business into the Indian market. The ethnography of the project centres on its founding entrepreneur, focusing on how he tried to ally with insiders in the Japanese anime sector and the Indian market. The thesis’s 12-month fieldwork accompanied his business in Japan (Tokyo) and India (Delhi), revealing a perspective of the entrepreneur as a broker who intermediates between the discrepant positions of his stakeholders to keep his business afloat. It also highlights the two most critical discrepancies: the dichotomies of art versus commerce (one of the central topics in creative industries studies) and the ‘Japanese’ versus ‘Indian’ ways of doing business (one of the prominent topics in Japan’s political economy vis-à-vis the Asian region). The ethnography found the entrepreneur’s liminal dual agency in bridging, blurring and reorienting the dichotomies was a driving force carrying his business forward. This thesis counterbalances previous anthropological studies on the creative industries (including anime) that tend to advocate the centrality of creators and fans, by focusing on the businessperson in a creative project. It also suggests that the broker is a crucial point of reference when examining how to create workable compromises between art and commerce, and allowing Japanese and Asian businesspeople to get along. The thesis also enhances our understanding of entrepreneurship by revealing most of its function as brokerage.

  • How an animation production studio survived the pandemic: The case of Graphinica, Inc.

    Hirasawa, Nao and Ryotaro Mihara

    Journal of Business Anthropology 11 ( 2 ) 225 - 234 2022年

    研究論文(学術雑誌), 共著, 最終著者, 責任著者


    The following account has been generated through an interlocution between Ryotaro Mihara, an anthropologist, and Nao Hirasawa, the CEO of Graphinica, Inc. Graphinica is a Tokyo-based computer graphics (CG) animation production studio. It is well recognized among the global animation community for a number of popular animated titles, including Expelled from Paradise (Seiji Mizushima, dir. 2014), Hello World (Tomohiko Ito, dir. 2019), and Netflix original Record of Ragnarok series (Masao Ookubo, dir. 2021). Hirasawa is also the founder of Arch Inc., an animation planning and producing company. Mihara has been conducting his fieldwork at Arch since 2018, observing their works of developing animation projects as well as participating in them, especially their attempts to expand their business scope outside Japan, as Arch’s “Global Business Advisor.” Leveraging this connection, Mihara interviewed Hirasawa regarding his experience in leading Graphinica in the midst of the pandemic, and discussed the implications on the future of the animation business. Hereinafter, subject “I” refers to Hirasawa and “we” refers to Graphinica, unless otherwise stated. The following account is, however, a co-authored work: Mihara wrote the English draft, as well as its Japanese translation, for Hirasawa’s review, and revised the text with Hirasawa, through which Mihara enhanced his understandings on the mechanics of anime production. Hirasawa, on the other hand, also developed his thoughts through the revision by remembering relevant events in response to Mihara’s comments and agreeing (and disagreeing) with Mihara’s suggestions regarding how his experience should be contextualized (especially in an academic context). The authors, in this regard, produced a collaborative ethnographic account, written jointly with an anthropologist and his interlocutor (cf. Van Maanen 1988) in the context of business anthropology.

  • 試論:クール・ジャパンと通商政策


    経済産業研究所ディスカッションペーパーシリーズ(13-J-051) 2013年

    研究論文(大学,研究機関等紀要), 単著


    現在経済産業省において推進されているクール・ジャパン政策はその多くが輸出振興政策で構成されているが、通商政策関連の論点との関連性はこれまであまり論じられてこなかった。本稿は、クール・ジャパン政策に係る輸出振興政策の概要(背景・定義、目的、方法論、代表的な政策、評価等)を俯瞰するとともに、今後我が国が当該輸出振興政策を推進する際に直面すると予想される通商政策関連の論点を整理することを通じて、両者のインターフェースにつき考察することを目的とする。具体的には、( 1 ) 我が国のライフスタイル・価値観を世界の消費者へ浸透させるというクール・ジャパン政策に係る輸出振興政策の「意図」が輸入国側から問題視されるのではないか、( 2 )「自由貿易の推進」と「文化多様性の保護」は必ずしもトレードオフの関係にはなく、日本はクール・ジャパン政策に係る輸出振興政策の推進により両者と異なる「第三極」の形成を主導できるのではないか、( 3 )クール・ジャパン政策に係る輸出振興政策の分野においても「コーポレート・フォーリン・ポリシー」の構築が必要なのではないか、等の論点につき考察する。

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 日本アニメのグローカリゼーション ─ アジア国際共同製作の現場から


    グローカルビジネスのすすめ ─ 地域の宝を世界80億人に届ける (紫洲書院)     145 - 165 2021年03月


  • バンダイエンタテイメント ─ 北米アニメ市場における新たなビジネスモデルの模索

    三原龍太郎, 山崎繭加

    一橋ビジネスレビュー 58 ( 3 ) 140 - 153 2010年

    記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌), 共著

研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Past, present, and future of storyboarding in Japanese animation

    Kato, Jun, Ryotaro Mihara and Nao Hirasawa

    Society for Animation Studies 2021 Conference (Online) , 


    口頭発表(一般), Society for Animation Studies

  • Research on anime storyboards for individual and collaborative creativity

    Kato, Jun, Ryotaro Mihara, Kazuya Murata, Kenta Hara and Nao Hirasawa

    1st International Symposium on Intelligence Design (ISID 2021) (Online) , 


    ポスター発表, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)

  • Examining the contemporary dynamics of Japan-China interactions in the cultural and creative industries

    Mihara, Ryotaro (roundtable-chair), Yuan Li (discussant), Tatsuo Yoshikawa (discussant), Juan Cao (discussant) and Kazuo Yamashita (discussant)

    Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference in Asia (AAS-in-Asia) (Kobe, Japan) , 


    口頭発表(一般), Association for Asian Studies

  • 'Anime has been hiding from the world': How Orientalism works in contemporary Anglophone anime studies

    Mihara, Ryotaro

    Theorizing Anime: Invention of Concepts and Conditions of Their Possibility (Tokyo, Japan) , 


    シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募), Waseda University

  • The liminal position of a broker that converges the conflict between art and commerce: From the case of a trans-Asian anime business project bridging Japan and India

    Mihara, Ryotaro

    The Fourth Global Creative Industries Conference (Hangzhou, China) , 



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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 英語(Study Skills)


  • 生命の教養学


  • 自由研究セミナー


  • エンターテインメントビジネス論


  • 英語セミナー(上級)


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担当経験のある授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Qualitative and Case Study Research

    SOAS University of London


    春学期, 講義, 専任

  • Management in Japan 2

    SOAS University of London


    春学期, 講義, 専任

  • Contemporary Issues in the Japanese and Korean Economies

    SOAS University of London


    秋学期, 講義, 専任

  • Management in Japan and Korea: Domestic and International Developments

    SOAS University of London


    秋学期, 講義, 専任

  • Management in Japan 2

    SOAS University of London


    春学期, 講義, 専任

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社会活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 「食×アニメコンテンツ」海外調査


  • Japanese Anime, Made In China

    NPR (National Public Radio)

  • アーチ株式会社・海外展開顧問

  • テレビアニメ「Phantom in the Twiligiht」・ロンドン取材協力


所属学協会 【 表示 / 非表示

  • American Sociological Association, 

  • Business Anthropology Network, 

  • Society for Animation Studies, 

  • European Association for Japanese Studies, 

  • Association for Asian Studies, 
