松浦 貴志 (マツウラ タカシ)




システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科 (日吉)




論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • ゼロトラストとトラストに関する一考察

    Matsuura, Takashi and Shirasaka, Seiko

    (日本創造学会)     4 2022年



  • Proposal of Trustworthy Behavior Model in Corporate Integration

    Matsuura, Takashi, Kobayashi, Nobuyuki, Hikishima, Eriko and Shirasaka, Seiko

    Review of Integrative Business and Economics Research, Vol. 9, Supplementary Issue 2 9 ( 2 ) 1 - 25 2020年

    ISSN  2304-1013


    In recent years, many Japanese companies have been integrated to improve their competitiveness, and their organization has been reviewed. As the result of interviewing companies in corporate integration case, there were many conflicts among the integrated companies. It is necessary to clarify what kind of organizational conflict has and how to handle it in corporate integration. Also, in previous research, there was research on the asymmetry of trust in acquisitions, and conflict and trust were important factors in corporate integration. The purpose of this research is that the trustworthy behavior model is to organize and integrate conflict, trust and trustworthiness of previous research and design trustworthy behavior that shows the relationship between trustor and trustee. First, author organizes the previous researches on organizational conflict and trust and trustworthiness to clarify the subjects of the previous research, and describe the approach of this research. Next, author shows the relationship between previous research and corporate integration, and the relationship between conflict and trust that occurs in an organization. Finally, author proposes the Trustworthy Behavior Model that solves the issue of corporate integration by organizing and integrating previous research.

  • Proposal for Cognitive Behavior Process of Trustworthy Behavior Model in Corporate Integration

    Matsuura, Takashi, Kobayashi, Nobuyuki and Shirasaka, Seiko

    International Journal of Japan Association for Management Systems 12 ( 1 ) 27 - 35 2020年


    Japanese companies have begun integrating their businesses to reduce costs and increase competitiveness. In the previous study, we organized various studies on organizational Conflict, Trust, and Trustworthy behavior; clarified the results of their studies; and proposed a trustworthy behavior model that solves the issue of corporate integration by organizing and integrating the previous studies. The Trustworthy behavior model seems to be closely related to actual corporate integrations. This study shows the process of recognizing Conflict from the perspective of trustor party and trustee party and cultivating Trust by extracting three processes from the trustworthy behavior model. Furthermore, this study proposes three hierarchy structures and performs subjective verification, indicating the potential for practical use in corporate integrations. This study shows that the trustor party and the trustee party in corporate integrations use three processes to indicate how to perceive Conflict, address Conflict, perceive Trustworthiness, perceive Trustworthy behavior, and cultivate Trust.

  • Proposal for a Trustworthy Behavior Model Based on Interviews Concerning Corporate Integration

    Matsuura, Takashi, Kobayashi, Nobuyuki and Shirasaka, Seiko

    International Journal of Japan Association for Management Systems 12 ( 1 ) 17 - 26 2020年


    Japanese companies have begun integrating their businesses to reduce costs and increase competitiveness. In a previous study, we interviewed subjects who had experienced corporate integrations to clarify how organizational design could be implemented during integrations. Results revealed many conflicts among integrated companies but not how integration leaders could recognize conflict and trust behaviors and cultivate trust. This study completes that previous study and shows how the conflict and trust cultivated via corporate integration relate to items in the trustworthy behavior model. We organize interview results and the nine major types of interdepartmental conflicts. Then we map conflict-handling modes and show relations between interview results and conflict types, interdepartmental conflicts, and conflict-handling modes in tree diagrams for each interviewee. As with conflict, we map interview results concerning trust and the trustworthy behavior. Finally, this study indicates factors of perceived trustworthiness, trustworthy behavior, and risk-taking in relationship in a tree diagram. Interviews clarify that the trustworthy behavior model proposed by Matsuura et al. relates to actual corporate integration.

KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示


担当授業科目 【 表示 / 非表示

  • イノベーションのためのワークショップデザイン論2


  • イノベーションのためのワークショップデザイン論1


  • システムデザイン・マネジメント序論


  • デザインプロジェクト


  • イノベーションのためのワークショップデザイン論2


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