Tanabe, Takumi



Affiliated Schools, Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School (Mita)


Teacher Emeritus

Other Disclosed Information 【 Display / hide

  • Mission Statement - Full Circle By Takumi Tanabe Anita Ainsworth James Grant Rush The scope of this project will be to focus on renewable energy through the recycling of plastics which will come from rubbish that is being collected on the beaches and in the oceans. Currently, there is so much litter in the waters that it is not only washing up on the beaches but it is also breaking down into little particles through photosynthesis and fish are consuming it because they are mistaking it for food. It is destroying our ecosystem. Our work will focus on the quantitative analysis of data that has been collected over the last 10 years through our partners in the Cozumel 4 Conservancy to determine how much garbage has been collected and exactly what can be done with all of this waste. It is not an easy task to organize volunteer activities. In beach cleanup activities, volunteers have to divide garbage and trash into different categories such as bottles, papers, woods, cans, or plastic goods. The most troublesome garbage among them is plastic garbage, which takes a significant amount of time to biodegrade and often ends up remaining on the beaches. If the sea animals eat it by mistake, the situation can worsen. We will attempt to assist with an awesome machine that was invented in Japan by Akinori Itoh, which can make oil out of plastic. It was invented to deal with plastic garbage properly in each family. Therefore, the machine is a portable size with a reasonable price. In order to help the Cozumel beach cleanup project advance one further step, the 3R notion of Mottainai-reduce, reuse, recycle-can be adopted into this volunteer activity, turning plastic garbage into oil. If the volunteers could see how garbage and trash turn into renewable resources, it could wonderfully enhance the motivation of garbage- collecting volunteers. In addition it would help us get the message across to young people how important it is to renew and recycle our resources. The motivation of the volunteers to collect garbage should be elevated when they know about this machine and the possibility that plastic garbage can be a renewable resource in Japan and other parts of the world. We will be collaborating with Blest Inc. to request the use of their newest invention which takes plastics and turns it into usable oil, gas and kerosene. With the use of this technology it is conceivable to teach our youngsters about the importance of saving the marine life and keeping our beaches and waters clean. In the event that plastic does end up on the beaches or in the oceans, it can be recycled into renewable resources. *Mottainai (pronounced moht-tai-nai) is a Japanese term meaning "a sense of regret concerning waste when the intrinsic value of an object or resource is not properly utilized.

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2004.04


  • 2006.04


  • 2008.08

    University of Hawaii at Manoa Post Graduate

  • 2011.05

    University of Michigan-Flint Post Graduate Global Program

Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 2001.10

    University of Columbia, Tokyo TESOL Program, Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)

    Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Master's course

  • 2009.05

    University of Hawaii at Manoa, Post Graduate Department of Education, Educational Philosophy / Environmental Issue

    United States, Graduate School, Other, Master's course

  • 2012.08

    University of Michigan- Flint, Faculty of Education, Technology in Educatoin Global Program

    United States, Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 1978.03

    Waseda University, Faculty of Education, English and English Literature

    University, Graduated

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Master of Arts in Education, Technology in Education Global Program, University of Michigan - Flint, Coursework, 2012.08