経営管理研究科 (日吉)
Kazuhiro Asakawa is Professor of Global Innovation Management at Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University, Japan, where he teaches international management and global innovation. He has held the Mitsubishi Foundation Chairship at Keio Business School. Kaz received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. from INSEAD, France, his MBA from Harvard Business School, and his BA summa cum laude in Political Economy from Waseda University, Japan. His research interest lies in the areas of global innovation and global R&D management of multinational corporations, cross-border knowledge sourcing and leveraging, subsidiary evolution, and autonomy-control dynamics. He is best known for his work on global R&D management of Japanese MNCs. He was elected Fellow of the Academy of International Business (AIB) in 2015. In 2021, he was elected Vice President Program for AIB.
His research appeared in the numerous leading international journals including Journal of International Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Research Policy, Journal of World Business, and Journal of Product Innovation Management.
Kaz has served as an Associate Editor of Global Strategy Journal and a Senior Editor of Asia Pacific Journal of Management. He is a Consulting Editor of Journal of International Management, an Advisory Editor of Research Policy and serves (has served) on the editorial board of numerous academic journals, including Journal of International Business Studies, Global Strategy Journal, Journal of World Business and Academy of Management Perspectives,
Kaz taught at many international business schools including ESSEC, McGill, Yonsei, JKU Linz and WU as a visiting faculty, and was a visiting scholar at MIT Sloan School of Management and Northeastern University and University of Sydney. He has supervised and examined PhD candidates in many countries, and has reviewed faculty tenure promotion decisions in the US, Europe, and Asia.
Kaz was the Program Chair for the AIB 2023 Program in Warsaw, the Chair of the AIB Japan Chapter (2012-2018), the Chair of the Temple AIB Best Paper Award Selection Committee in 2014, and the Program Chair for the Asia Academy of Management Meetings in 2006. He served as a committee member of the AIB Fellows Executive of the Year in 2018. He is a founding member of Industry Studies Association (ISA) in the US and was a representative-at-large for SMS Global Strategy Interest Group.
In Japan, he served as President of Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises (AMNE) (2015-2019) and is an Executive Board Member of the Academic Association of Organizational Science (AAOS) and Japan Academy of International Business Studies (JAIBS). As an internationally-trained IB scholar currently based in Japan, he is committed to bridging the gaps between the Japanese and international academic communities.
1.国境を超えた企業のイノベーション活動 2.対外的R&DアライアンスがR&D成果へ与える効果 3.国のイノベーションシステムと企業R&D戦略との関係 His research interests are focused on innovation and R&D management of multinational corporations, cross-border knowledge sourcing and leveraging, subsidiary evolution, and autonomy-control dynamics.
大学準専任講師(大学院経営管理研究科附属ビジネス・スクール) Assistant Professor, Keio Business School (Exec Ed Division)
大学準専任講師(大学院経営管理研究科) Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, keio University
大学準専任講師(大学院経営管理研究科)Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Administration, Keio University
大学準専任講師(大学院経営管理研究科附属ビジネス・スクール)Assistant Professor, Keio Business School (Exec Ed Division)
大学助教授(大学院経営管理研究科附属ビジネス・スクール) Associate Professor, Keio Business School (Exec Ed Division) (Tenured)
早稲田大学, 政治経済学部 Faculty of Political Economy, BA summa cum laude, 1985, 政治学科
大学, 卒業
ハーバード大学 Harvard University, 経営大学院 Graduate School of Business Administration (MBA), 経営学 Management
アメリカ合衆国, 大学院, 修了, 修士
INSEAD(欧州経営大学院), 経営大学院(M.Sc.), 経営科学
フランス共和国, 大学院, 修了, 修士
INSEAD(欧州経営大学院), 経営大学院 (Ph.D.), 経営学
フランス共和国, 大学院, 修了, 博士
MBA, ハーバード大学 (Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration), 課程, 1991年06月
M.Sc., INSEAD(欧州経営大学院), 課程, 1993年06月
Ph.D., INSEAD(欧州経営大学院), 1996年06月
国際経営学 International Management
グローバル・イノベーション Managing Global Innovation
グローバルR&D Global R&D Management
グローバル戦略 Global Strategy
オープン・イノベーション Open Innovation
浅川 和宏(監修)伊田 昌弘(監修)臼井 哲也(監修)内田 康郎(監修)多国籍企業学会(著/文), 文真堂, 2020年02月
『ケースに学ぶ国際経営』有斐閣ブックス (Studying International Management by Cases, Yuhikaku Publishing Co.)
吉原・白木・新宅・浅川 編浅川 和宏 Yoshihara, Shiraki, Shintaku, and Asakawa (Eds.), 有斐閣, 2013年12月
グローバルR&Dマネジメント、慶應義塾大学出版会 (Global R&D Management, Keio University Press)
浅川 和宏 Kazuhiro Asakawa, 慶応義塾大学出版会 Keio University Press., 2011年10月
担当範囲: 323
グローバル経営入門 Introduction to Global Management (Nikkei Publishing Co.)
浅川 和宏 Kazuhiro Asakawa, 東京:日本経済新聞社 (Nikkei Publishing Co.), 2003年11月
経営者が語る戦略教室 Learning Strategic Management through Managers' Remarks (Nikkei Publishing Co.)
浅川 和宏 Kazuhiro Asakawa, 日本経済新聞出版社 Nikkei Publishing Co., 2013年09月
担当範囲: 169-178
Designing organisational ecosystems & overcoming barriers to implementation "
Trevor, J. and Asakawa, K.
The European Business Review July/August, 2024. 2024年07月
研究論文(学術雑誌), 共著, 査読有り
"Aligning organizational ecosystems to be fit for purpose."
Trevor, J. and Asakawa, K
The European Business Review, March/April, 2024. March/April 2024 2024年03月
研究論文(学術雑誌), 査読有り
“The changing faces of global cities and firms: A new perspective on firms’ location strategy.”
Asakawa, K, and Clegg, J.
Journal of International Business Studies 55(1). 2024年02月
共著, 査読有り
Sources of knowledge and process innovation: The moderating role of perceived competitive intensity
Aliasghar O., Rose E.L., Asakawa K.
International Business Review (International Business Review) 31 ( 2 ) 2022年04月
ISSN 09695931
"When building-a-brand is strategy? The brand based view."
Som, A. and Asakawa, K.
The European Business Review, January/February Issue, 2022. 2022年
研究論文(学術雑誌), 共著, 査読有り
The changing faces of global cities and firms: a new perspective on firms’ location strategy
Asakawa K., Clegg J.
Journal of International Business Studies 55 ( 1 ) 37 - 49 2024年02月
ISSN 00472506
Control dynamics in MNCs”
Asakawa, K., Ambos, B. and Ambos, T.
Academy of Management Control Handbook Workshop ,
“Surviving economic disruptions: Examining the resilience factors in MNE subsidiaries.
Aliasghar, O., Asakawa, K. Mendo, P. and Un, A.
Academy of International Business Annual Meetings,,
Dynamics of MNC control
Asakawa, K., Ambos, B. and Ambos, T.
Australian National University,
Dynamics of MNC control
Asakawa, K., Ambos, B. and Ambos, T.
University of Sydney Business School Research Seminar, March 2024.,
Researching National Innovation Ecosystems for Startup Success,
Asakawa, K.
Academy of Management,
文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 浅川 和宏, 基盤研究(B), 補助金, 研究代表者
多国籍企業はイノベーションを起こせるか (日本経済新聞電子版Global Economics Trendsコラム掲載記事)
その他, 単独
Kazuhiro Asakawa
Tokyo, Japan,
その他, 単独
浅川 和宏
その他, 単独
企業の国際競争力を支える海外現地知識の獲得・活用戦略『世界経済評論』2012, 56(5) 9/10月号: 38-41.
浅川 和宏
その他, 単独
AIB Fellow, The Academy of International Business (AIB)
2015年03月, Academy of International Business (AIB)
受賞区分: 国内外の国際的学術賞
Academy of Management (AOM) IM Division HKUST Best Papers in Global Strategy Finalist
受賞区分: 国際学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞, 受賞国: アメリカ合衆国
Winner, Organization Design Community - Accenture Annual Award for Best Research Paper in Journal of Organization Design
受賞区分: 国内外の国際的学術賞, 受賞国: アメリカ合衆国
Finalist, Association of Japanese Business Studies (AJBS) Best Paper Award 2017.
2017年06月, AJBS
受賞区分: 国内外の国際的学術賞
The Best Reviewer’s Award, the IM Division, Academy of Management (AOM)
2015年08月, Academy of Management
受賞区分: 国際学会・会議・シンポジウム等の賞, 受賞国: アメリカ合衆国
Managing Global Innovation (グローバル・イノベーション)
春学期, 講義, 専任
Managing Global Innovation
Multinational Organizations and Strategy (多国籍組織戦略)
秋学期, 講義, 専任
Managing Multinational Corporations
経済産業省標準化専門委員 Academic Member, Business Standardization Committee, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan
文部科学省科学技術政策研究所(NISTEP)客員研究官 Visiting Scholar, NISTEP, Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology
経済産業省グローバル・サービス・フォーラム推進委員会 Global Service Industry Promotion Forum, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), Japan
経済産業省グローバルサービス研究会委員 Academic Member, Global Service Committee, the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI), Japan
アルフレード・スローン産業研究プログラム Alfred P. Sloan Industry Studies Program, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, USA
Academy of Management,
Strategic Management Society (A "Friend" of SMS since 2009),
Academy of International Business (Vice President, 2021-2024) ,
Founding Member, Industry Studies Association (ISA), U.S.A.,
Asia Academy of Management,
Consulting Editor, Journal of International Management
Editorial Board, Transnational Corporations
Editorial Board, Journal of Organization Design
Editorial Board, Journal of World Business
Senior Advisory Board, Review of International Business Strategy