バティ, アーロン (バティ アーロン)

BATTY, Aaron Olaf



看護医療学部 (湘南藤沢)





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著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Listening

    Wagner E, Batty AO, Galaczi E, Routledge, 2024年07月,  ページ数: 426


    The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Listening offers a state-of-the-art, systematic discussion of the role of listening in second language acquisition (SLA) and use.

    This handbook positions listening not just as a receptive comprehension skill, but also as an integral part of interaction, a vital component in the process of language acquisition, and a skill which needs attention in its own right.

    World-leading international scholars synthesize and contextualize the salient theoretical approaches, methodological issues, empirical findings, practical applications, and emerging themes in L2 listening development and processing. They illustrate the role that L2 listening ability plays in understanding SLA and interactional competence, and set the future research agenda to move the field forward.

    This volume is an indispensable resource to students, scholars, and practitioners from the fields of SLA, cognitive psychology, language teaching, and assessment, as well as those interested in pronunciation, speaking, and oral communication.

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Visual Cues And Listening

    AO Batty, R Suvorov

    The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Listening, 307-318 2024年07月

    論文集(書籍)内論文, 共著, 筆頭著者, 査読有り


    Nonverbal information has been estimated to comprise roughly 66% of the information in any human interaction. In almost all communicative interactions, sighted listeners are able to augment, contextualize, and sometimes decipher information from the verbal channel by referring to the various facial expressions, gestures, and other body movements produced by speakers. Taxonomies of nonverbal communicative behavior are numerous in the literature, but this chapter will refer to the seminal Ekman and Friesen (1969) model, which categorizes nonverbal behavior into emblems, illustrators, affect displays, regulators, and adaptors. These nonverbal cues do not just serve listeners when operating in their L1s, however. In fact, research into the impact of the presence of nonverbal information in L2 listening has almost universally found that L2 listeners’ comprehension and memory of L2 speech are clearly facilitated by its inclusion. In addition to nonverbal communicative cues, other forms of visual information, such as setting and visual aids, can have a large impact on L2 comprehension and acquisition. The chapter begins with an overview of the functions of nonverbal communicative cues and other visual information in human interaction, with explicit attention to facial expressions, gestures, and visual aids. It then reviews the studies of their impact on L2 comprehension, learning, and assessment and makes recommendations for pedagogical practice and assessment, and proposes a research agenda to fill the remaining gaps in the literature.

  • Automated Sign Language Vocabulary Assessment: Comparing Human and Machine Ratings and Studying Learner Perceptions

    F Holzknecht, S Tornay, A Battisti, AO Batty, K Tissi, T Haug, S Ebling

    Language Assessment Quarterly, 1-21 2024年

  • Challenges in rating signed production: A mixed-methods study of a Swiss German Sign Language form-recall vocabulary test

    AO Batty, T Haug, S Ebling, K Tissi, S Sidler-Miserez

    Language Testing 40 (2), 352-374 (Language Testing)  40 ( 2 ) 352 - 374 2023年

    ISSN  02655322


    Sign languages present particular challenges to language assessors in relation to variation in signs, weakly defined citation forms, and a general lack of standard-setting work even in long-established measures of productive sign proficiency. The present article addresses and explores these issues via a mixed-methods study of a human-rated form-recall sign vocabulary test of 98 signs for beginning adult learners of Swiss German Sign Language (DSGS), using post-test qualitative rater interviews to inform interpretation of the results of quantitative analysis of the test ratings using many-facets Rasch measurement. Significant differences between two expert raters were observed on three signs. The follow-up interview revealed disagreement on the criterion of correctness, despite the raters’ involvement in the development of the base lexicon of signs. The findings highlight the challenges of using human ratings to assess the production not only of sign language vocabulary, but of minority languages generally, and underscore the need for greater effort expended on the standardization of sign language assessment.

  • jMetrik Guide

    AO Batty

    Shiken 27 (1), 15-29 2023年

  • An eye-tracking study of attention to visual cues in L2 listening tests

    Batty A.O.

    Language Testing (Language Testing)  38 ( 4 ) 511 - 535 2021年10月

    ISSN  02655322


    Nonverbal and other visual cues are well established as a critical component of human communication. Under most circumstances, visual information is available to aid in the comprehension and interpretation of spoken language. Citing these facts, many L2 assessment researchers have studied video-mediated listening tests through score comparisons with audio tests, by measuring the amount of time spent watching, and by attempting to determine examinee viewing behavior through self-reports. However, the specific visual cues to which examinees attend have heretofore not been measured objectively. The present research employs eye-tracking methodology to determine the amounts of time 12 participants viewed specific visual cues on a six-item, video-mediated L2 listening test. Seventy-two scanpath-overlaid videos of viewing behavior were manually coded for visual cues at 0.10-second intervals. Cued retrospective interviews based on eye-tracking data provided reasons for the observed behaviors. Faces were found to occupy the majority (81.74%) of visual dwell time, with participants largely splitting their time between the speaker’s eyes and mouth. Detected gesture viewing was negligible. The reason given for most viewing behavior was determining characters’ emotional states. These findings suggest that the primary difference between audio- and video-mediated L2 listening tests of conversational content is the absence or presence of facial expressions.

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • Introduction to Second Language Acquisition and Listening

    E Wagner, AO Batty, E Galaczi

    The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Listening (Routledge)   2024年07月


  • What Next in L2 Learning, Teaching, and Assessing?

    E Galaczi, E Wagner, AO Batty

    The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Listening (Routledge)   2024年07月


  • Book review: Meaningful language test scores: Research to enhance score interpretation

    Batty AO

    Language Testing (SAGE)   2024年06月

    書評論文,書評,文献紹介等, 単著, 筆頭著者

競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 英語スピーキング伝達能力客観テスト


    慶應義塾大学, バティ アーロン、スチュワート ジェフリー, 挑戦的萌芽研究, 未設定




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