Faculty of Environment and Information Studies (Shonan Fujisawa)
Associate Professor
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Savage, Patrick
Comparative musicology: The science of the world's music [Under contract]
Patrick E. SAVAGE, Oxford University Press [under contract], 2021
Sequence alignment of folk song melodies reveals cross-cultural regularities of musical evolution
PE Savage, S Passmore, G Chiba, TE Currie, H Suzuki, QD Atkinson
Current Biology 32 (6), 1395-1402. e8 (Current Biology) 32 ( 6 ) 1395 - 1402.e8 2022.03
ISSN 09609822
Global relationships between musical, linguistic, and genetic diversity
S Passmore, ALC Wood, C Barbieri, D Shilton, H Daikoku, Q Atkinson, ...
PsyArXiv. March 11 2022
M Youngblood, K Baraghith, PE Savage
Evolution and Human Behavior 42 (6), 573-582 (Evolution and Human Behavior) 42 ( 6 ) 573 - 582 2021.11
ISSN 10905138
Toward inclusive theories of the evolution of musicality
PE Savage, P Loui, B Tarr, A Schachner, L Glowacki, S Mithen, WT Fitch
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44 (Behavioral and Brain Sciences) 44 132 - 140 2021.09
ISSN 0140525X
Music as a coevolved system for social bonding
PE Savage, P Loui, B Tarr, A Schachner, L Glowacki, S Mithen, WT Fitch
Behavioral and Brain Sciences (Behavioral and Brain Sciences) 44 2021
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 0140525X
Musical diversity in India : a preliminary computational study using cantometrics
Savage, Patrick E.
Keio SFC journal (慶應SFC学会) 20 ( 2 ) 34 - 61 2020
ISSN 13472828
Whitehouse H., François P., Savage P.E., Currie T.E., Feeney K.C., Cioni E., Purcell R., Ross R.M., Larson J., Baines J., ter Haar B., Covey A., Turchin P.
Nature (Nature) 595 ( 7866 ) 2021.07
ISSN 00280836
Complex societies precede moralizing gods throughout world history
Whitehouse H., François P., Savage P., Currie T., Feeney K., Cioni E., Purcell R., Ross R., Larson J., Baines J., ter Haar B., Covey A., Turchin P.
Nature (Nature) 568 ( 7751 ) 226 - 229 2019.04
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 00280836
Currie, Thomas E., Turchin, Peter, Whitehouse, Harvey, Francois, Pieter, Feeney, Kevin, Mullins, Daniel, Hoyer, Daniel, Collins, Christina, Grohmann, Stephanie, Savage, Patrick E., Mendel-Gleason, Gavin, Turner, Edward, Dupeyron, Agathe, Cioni, Enrico, Reddish, Jenny, Levine, Jill, Jordan, Greine, Brandl, Eva, Williams, Alice, Cesaretti, Rudolf, Krueger, Marta, Ceccarelli, Alessandro, Figliulo-Rosswurm, Joe, Tuan, Po-Ju, Peregrine, Peter, Marciniak, Arkadiusz, Preiser-Kapeller, Johannes, Kradin, Nikolay, Korotayev, Andrey, Palmisano, Alessio, Baker, David, Bidmead, Julye, Bol, Peter, Christian, David, Cook, Connie, Covey, Alan, Feinman, Gary, Juliusson, Arni Daniel, Kristinsson, Axel, Miksic, John, Mostern, Ruth, Petrie, Cameron, Rudiak-Gould, Peter, ter Haar, Barend, Wallace, Vesna, Mair, Victor, Xie, Liye, Baines, John, Bridges, Elizabeth, Manning, Joseph, Lockhart, Bruce, Bogaard, Amy, Spencer, Charles
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America) 115 ( 26 ) E5841 - E5842 2018.06
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0027-8424
Understanding global diversity in music perception and production
Keio University, Fund for the Promotion of Joint International Research (Fostering Joint International Research (B)), No Setting
Cross-cultural diversity in perception and production of musical pitch
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists , Principal investigator
Automatic analysis of the world’s music
Keio Research Institute at SFC, Startup Grant, #HPatrick E. Savage#H, Research grant, Principal investigator
Untangling the biological and cultural foundations of musical scales
Keio University, Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds, #HPatrick E. Savage#H, Research grant, Principal investigator
Musical evolution and human migration
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT), Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship, #HPatrick E. Savage#H, Research grant, Principal investigator
Hirayama Ikuo Arts and Culture Prize
#HPatrick E. Savage#H + 2 others, 2017, Tokyo University of the Arts
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
Ikushi Prize
#HPatrick E. Savage#H + 16 others, 2017, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Measuring the cultural evolution of music: With case studies of British-American and Japanese folk, art, and popular music
Type of Award: Other