Graduate School of Science and Technology (Yagami)
Project Associate Professor (Non-tenured)
Details of a Researcher
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Tanaka, Masahiro
System software for data-intensive science
Tatebe O., Oyama Y., Tanaka M., Ohtsuji H., Takatsu F., Li X., Advanced Software Technologies for Post-Peta Scale Computing: The Japanese Post-Peta CREST Research Project, 2018.12
Applying Pwrake Workflow System and Gfarm File System to Telescope Data Processing
M Tanaka, O Tatebe, H Kawashima
2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 124-133 (Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, ICCC) 2018-September 124 - 133 2018
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Joint Work, Accepted, ISSN 9781538683194
Design of Fault Tolerant Pwrake Workflow System Supported by Gfarm File System
M Tanaka, O Tatebe
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Many-Task Computing on Clouds, Grids, and … 2016
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Joint Work, Accepted
Disk Cache-Aware Task Scheduling For Data-Intensive and Many-Task Workflow
M Tanaka, O Tatebe
2014 IEEE International Conference On Cluster Computing (IEEE Cluster 2014 … 2014
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Joint Work, Accepted
Workflow scheduling to minimize data movement using multi-constraint graph partitioning
M Tanaka, O Tatebe
Proceedings of the 2012 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster … 2012
Research paper (international conference proceedings), Joint Work, Accepted
並列分散ワークフローシステム Pwrake による大規模データ処理
田中昌宏, 建部修見
宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告: 宇宙科学情報解析論文誌 1, 67-75 2012
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Joint Work, Accepted