Radovic, Darko



Faculty of Science and Technology (Mita)


Professor Emeritus

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Darko Radovic

Profile Summary 【 Display / hide

  • co+labo Radović is an Architecture and Urban Design Research Laboratory at Keio University, Tokyo. co+labo is involved in education, research and design-research in the fields of architecture and urban design. Work of Darko Radović and his students focuses at the nexus between environmental and cultural sustainability and situations in which architecture and urban design overlap, where social starts to acquire physical form. Darko's coordinated investigations of the concepts of urbanity and sustainable development focus on culturally and environmentally diverse contexts which expose difference and offer encounter with the Other. He argues that neither the path of ecological nor that of cultural sustainability can be undertaken separately, and indeed that there is no viable future harmonious synthesis. On that basis, he has developed the concept of eco-urbanity (Routledge, 2009) which constitutes one of the hubs of recent co+labo research, teaching activities and publications, along with Radical Realism (2010), which is the credo of co+labo. Darko heads major international, interdisciplinary research project Measuring the non-Measurable (2011-14) which, with active involvement of students, focuses at finest qualitative nuances of spatial experience – at scales ranging from broadest urban to smallest architectural spaces.

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2009

    Keio University, Tokyo, Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Systems Design Engineering, Professor of Architecture and Urban Design,

  • 2009

    United Nations University, Tokyo, Institute for Advanced Studies, Yokohama, Visiting Professor

  • 2008

    The University of Melbourne, Australia, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning and Melbourne School of Design, Associate Professor

  • 2006

    University of Tokyo, Japan, Faculty of Engineering, Centre for Sustainable Urban Regeneration - CSUR, Project Professor of Architecture and Urban Design

  • 1993

    The University of Melbourne, Australia, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Associate Professor Head of Urban Design (2000 - 2006)

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1989

    University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, PhD in Architecture and Urbanism

    Serbia, University, Graduated, Doctoral course

  • 1986

    University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture

    Serbia, University, Graduated, Master's course

  • 1981

    University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, Bachelor of Architecture

    Serbia, University, Graduated, Other

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1989

  • Masters by Research in Urban Design and Architecture, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, 1986

  • B. Arch. (DIA), University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Coursework, 1981


Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • environmentally and culturally responsible architecture and urbanism


Books 【 Display / hide

  • In the Search of Urban Quality: 100 maps of Kuhonbutsugawa Street

    Radovic Darko, flick Studio and IKI, Tokyo, 2014

  • Subjectivities in Investigations of the Urban: the Scream, the Mirror, the Shadow

    Radovic Darko, flick Studio and IKI, Tokyo, 2014

  • Shinkenchiku Jan 2013

    Radovic Darko, Shinkenchiku-sha, 2013.01

    Scope: 41-42

  • Tokyo dérive: In Search of Urban Intensities

    Radovic Darko, flick Studio and IKI, Tokyo, 2013

  • Intensities in Ten Cities

    Radovic Darko, flick Studio and IKI, Tokyo, 2013

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Measuring the non-measurable: On mapping subjectivities in urban research

    Radovic Darko

    City, Culture and Society (Elsevier)  7 (2016) 2016.02

    Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1877-9166

  • The Street and Democracy, Japanese Style: Several glimpses into the processes of making and living Kuhonbutsugawa Ryokudô

    Radovic Darko

    Contesti (Firenze University Press)   ( 1-2 ) 146 - 167 2016

    Research paper (scientific journal),  ISSN  2035-5300

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    his essay discusses some trends in (re)production of local urban quality within the frameworks of relentless globalisation. The focus will be on Japan and some peculiarities of Japanese (urban) culture exemplified by Kuhonbutsugawa Ryokudô, only one of many streets in Jiyūgaoka, a small precinct of Tokyo, the largest city in the world. The essay builds upon parts of Measuring the non-Measurable – Mn’M, the major research project conducted at Keio University in the period 2011-14. The task was to recognise, capture, analyse and open to discussion a set of evident existing and emergent qualities of that area and to locate them within broader cultural contexts and trends. The original emphasis was on elements and gestures that have the capacity to make cities and urban life great, on various manifestations of everyday life and dialectics between the Japanese taste for modernity and the spectacular (as “Global”), and strong undercurrents of local culture. Central to the project were spaces, relationships and interactions which mediate between (or which, indeed, are the in-between) of the built-up and open, the sold and void, public and private (or, various Japanese variations on those themes).

  • Learning, Thinking and Living Tokyo: About doing urban research in cultures radically different to that of our own

    Radovic Darko

    The Journal of Public Space (University of Queensland)  Vol. 1 ( 1 ) 35 - 42 2016

    Accepted,  ISSN  2206-9658

     View Summary

    In 2011, at Keio University, Tokyo, we launched Measuring the non-Measurable, with academic and practitioners involved in production of space in ten cities of Asia (Tokyo, Bangkok, Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore), Australia (Melbourne) and Europe (Barcelona, Belgrade, Copenhagen, Florence). The intention of Mn’M was never to question the importance of quantifiable dimensions of life. One of its critical aims was to argue for an equally respectful treatment of other dimensions of knowing, as neither the quantifiable not the non-quantifiable alone can fully
    cover the key dimensions of the synthetic quality which we seek to live. The cities are always in and of a particular place, in and of a particular time. That double
    contextualisation makes their realities enormously dynamic and complex. The complexity itself and the groundedness in concrete, unique situations are the key aspects of being urban.

  • Shitamachi as an Assembled Character in Nezu, Tokyo

    Radovic DarkoMUMINOVIĆ, M., ALMAZÁN, J

    Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering.  2014.05

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted

  • Resilient Assemblages: The Complex Identity of Nezu, Tokyo

    Radovic Darko MUMINOVIĆ M, GARCIA, J. E., VALE, B.

    International Seminar on Urban Form- New Urban Configurations (IOS Press, Delft, Netherlands)     807 - 813 2014

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • The co+labo way in the search of urban quality

    Radovic Darko

    (Politecnico di Milano, Leonardo da Vinci Camus) , 


    Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, Politecnico di Milano, DAStU

  • Smart Communities, Everyday Life and Human Scale

    Radovic Darko

    Smart Space Design Symposium and Workshop (UPC Barcelona) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (public), UPC Barcelona

  • Water in environmentally and culturally sustainable urbanism

    Radovic Darko

    GESL Workshop on Water Resource and Technology (GESL, Keio University, Yagami Campus) , 


    Oral presentation (invited, special), GESL, Keio University

  • Detecting, Measuring, Understanding and Inclusion of Pleasure in Spatial Design

    Radovic Darko, Mitsukura Yasue

    (Vern University, Vis, Croatia) , 


    Oral presentation (invited, special), Anatomy of Islands – Centre for Research and Development, Vis, Croatia

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    The presentation introduces the latest efforts to address the complex issue of spatial quality, across scales. The presented methods combine the unconventional established and cutting edge approaches, ranging from the Situationist-inspired dérive and détournement sessions to application of the latest in EEG technology. The emphasis is on inclusion and valorization of commonly neglected multisensorial experiences and sensuality of the fully lived space, Lefebvrian vécu. The presentation includes demonstration of the latest EEG instruments used in this research project.

  • The pre-Olympic Tokyo: global biggness and lanes of urban resistance

    Radovic Darko

    Lanes and Neighbourhoods in Cities in Asia (National University of Singapore) , 


    Symposium, workshop panel (public), Asian Research Institute, National University of Singapore

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    The paper offers to discussion three contentious issues: the need for cultural specificity in the times of globalisation, the need for non-reductive approaches in investigations of the urban, and the need for explicit inclusion of subjectivities and sensuality in urban research. Those are discussed within the context of radical transformations of Tokyo in the lead-up to the Olympic Games 2020, which threaten to erase fragile, autochthonous micro urbanities of the metropolis, replacing them with sterile bigness of the imported, globalised falsehood. The case studies present places and practices of cultural resistance within everyday life of the lanes and roji (露地) in three neighbourhoods of Tokyo, in which the author both lived and conducted his research, ordinary, low-rise high-density Tokyo. Special emphasis is on trialectics between spaces as conceived, perceived and lived, situations where public and private realms, and culturally nuanced commons seek their own spatial expressions, and where various manifestations of public life meet and intersect with the delicate veils of collective and individual privacies – in stark juxtaposition with an encroaching Global Tokyo.

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • In the Search of Urban Quality, Towards Tokyo 2020, an initiative


    Darko Radovic, Kengo Kuma, Joint research, No Setting

  • Post-occupancy evaluation of the Next Generation Sustainable House, Memu Meadows, Hokkaido


    LIXIL Foundation, Other, No Setting

  • Measuring the non-Measurable, eco-urbanity analysis of the relationship between urban densities and intensities


    Japanese MEXT Senryaku Strategic Grant, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, No Setting

  • Towards Mature Melbourne Docklands, Design Research


    Places Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, Commissioned research, No Setting

  • Sustainable Island Communities


    Other, No Setting


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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