Papers - Shimomura, Shun
On a General Singular Solution of the Fifth Painlevé Equation Along the Positive Real Axis
Shimomura S.
Computational Methods and Function Theory (Computational Methods and Function Theory) 2021
ISSN 16179447
Elliptic asymptotic representation of the fifth Painleve transcendents
Shun Shimomura
(arXiv:2012.07321, math.CA, math-ph, 54 pages) 2020.12
Research paper (other academic), Single Work
Shimomura S.
Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)) 14 2018
Logarithmic solutions of the fifth Painleve equation near the origin
Tokyo J. Math. 39 ( 3 ) 797 - 825 2017
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Critical behaviours of the fifth Painleve transcendents and the monodromy data
Kyushu J. Math. 71 139 - 185 2017
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Accepted
Series expansions of Painleve transcendents near the point at infinity
Funkcial. Ekvac. 58 277 - 319 2015
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
The sixth Painleve transcendents and the associated Schlesinger equation
Publ. RIMS Kyoto Univ. 51 417 - 463 2015
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Frequency of a-points for the fifth and the third Painleve transcendents in a sector
Tohoku Math. J. 65 591 - 605 2013
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Fourth moment of the Riemann zeta-function with a shift along the real line
Tokyo J. Math. 36 355 - 377 2013
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Algebraic independence of certain numbers related to modular functions
Elsner, Carsten; SHIMOMURA SHUN; Shiokawa, Iekata
Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 47 ( 1 ) 121–141 2012
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Shifted fourth moment of the Riemann zeta-function
Acta Math. Hungar. 137 ( 1-2 ) 104–129 2012
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Continuous limit of the difference second Painlevé equation and its asymptotic solutions
J. Math. Soc. Japan 64 ( 3 ) 733–781 2012
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Rational solutions of difference Painlevé equations
Tokyo J. Math 35 ( 1 ) 85–95 2012
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Exceptional algebraic relations for reciprocal sums of Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
Elsner, Carsten; SHIMOMURA SHUN; Shiokawa, Iekata
Diophantine Analysis and Related Fields DARF 2011, AIP Conference Proceedings 1385, American Institute of Physics (Melville, New York) 1385 17-31 2011
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work
Truncated solutions of the fifth Painleve equation
Funkcial. Ekvac. 54 451--471 2011
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Algebraic independence results for reciprocal sums of Fibonacci numbers
Elsner, Carsten; SHIMOMURA SHUN; Shiokawa, Iekata
Acta Arith. 148 ( 3 ) 205–223 2011
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Algebraic relations for reciprocal sums of even terms of a Fibonacci sequence. (Russian)
Elsner, Carsten; SHIMOMURA SHUN; Shiokawa, Iekata
Fundam. Prikl. Mat. ; English translation in J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.) 180 (2012), no. 5, 650–671 16 ( 5 ) 173--200 2010
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
A remark on Nesterenko's theorem for Ramanujan functions
Elsner, Carsten; SHIMOMURA SHUN; Shiokawa, Iekata
Ramanujan J. 21 211--221 2010
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Modularity gap for Eisenstein series
Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A 86 79--84 2010
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Algebraic independence results for the sixteen families of q-series
Elsner, Carsten; SHIMOMURA SHUN; Shiokawa, Iekata; Tachiya, Yohei
Ramanujan J. 22 ( 3 ) 315–344 2010
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted