Wakaizumi, Kenta



School of Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology (Shinanomachi)


Assistant Professor/Senior Assistant Professor

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2006.04

    National Hospital Organization, Tokyo Medical Center, 臨床研修医

  • 2008.04

    Keio University, School of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology, 専修医

  • 2009.04

    川崎市立川崎病院, 麻酔科

  • 2010.04

    埼玉医科大学総合医療センター, 麻酔科, 助教

  • 2012.04

    Keio University, School of Medicine Department of Anesthesiology, 助教

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 2000.04

    Keio University, School of Medicine, 医学科

  • 2013.04

    Keio University, Graduate School of Medicine

  • 2017.04

    Keio University, Graduate School of Economics


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Humanities & Social Sciences / Business administration (Behavioral Economics)

  • Life Science / Anatomy and histopathology of nervous system (Brain Imaging)

  • Life Science / Function of nervous system (Neuroeconomics)

  • Life Science / Anesthesiology (Pain Management)

  • Life Science / Anesthesiology (Postoperative Pain)

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Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • Opioid

  • Graph Theory

  • Dopamine

  • Reward System

  • Chronic Pain

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Books 【 Display / hide

  • 現代経済学の潮流

    大垣, 昌夫, 春野, 雅彦, カーステン・ヘルマン=ピラート, 竹内, 幹, 若泉, 謙太, 東洋経済新報社, 2021.12,  Page: xiv, 248p

    Scope: 第7章 神経経済学(パネル討論B)

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    編者 宇井貴志/加納 隆/西山慶彦/林 正義

Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Exercise effect on pain is associated with negative and positive affective components: A large-scale internet-based cross-sectional study in Japan

    Wakaizumi K., Shinohara Y., Kawate M., Matsudaira K., Oka H., Yamada K., Jabakhanji R., Baliki M.N.

    Scientific Reports (Scientific Reports)  14 ( 1 )  2024.12

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    Pain is a global health problem that leads to sedentary behavior and tends to cause negative emotion. In contrast, exercise is widely recommended for a health promotion, while pain often worsens with physical activity. Although exercise therapy is often prescribed to people with pain, the mechanisms of exercise effect on pain remains unclear. In this study, we tried to identify a universal association factor between regular exercise and pain intensity utilizing a cross-sectional web-based survey involving 52,353 adult participants from a large national study conducted in Japan. Using principal component analysis, we uncovered a mediation model of exercise effect on pain through psychological components. Analyses were performed in half of the population with pain (n = 20,330) and validated in the other half (n = 20,330), and showed that high-frequency exercise had a significant association with reduction in pain intensity. We also found Negative Affect and Vigor, two psychological components, are fully associating the exercise effect on pain (indirect effect = − 0.032, p < 0.001; association proportion = 0.99) with a dose-dependent response corresponding to the frequency of exercise. These findings were successfully validated (indirect effect of high-frequency exercise = − 0.028, p < 0.001; association proportion = 0.85). Moreover, these findings were also identified in subpopulation analyses of people with low back, neck, knee pain, and the tendency of the exercise effect on pain was increased with older people. In conclusion, the effect of exercise on pain is associated with psychological components and these association effects increased in parallel with the frequency of exercise habit regardless pain location.

  • Association between smoking and central sensitization pain: a web-based cross-sectional study

    Satoko Chiba, Keiko Yamada, Aiko Kawai, Saeko Hamaoka, Hiroko Ikemiya, Atsuko Hara, Kenta Wakaizumi, Takahiro Tabuchi, Keisuke Yamaguchi, Izumi Kawagoe, Masako Iseki

    Journal of Anesthesia (Springer Science and Business Media LLC)  38 ( 2 ) 198 - 205 2024.04

    ISSN  09138668

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    This study aimed to investigate whether smoking is an independent risk factor for central sensitization syndrome (CSS) in individuals with pain as measured by the Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI).


    In 2020, we conducted an Internet survey targeting 2000 ordinary residents of Japan (aged 20–69 years) who had pain symptoms from October to November 2020. A multiple regression analysis was performed on the association between smoking status (nonsmokers and current smokers; Brinkman index) and CSI values. Moreover, compared to nonsmokers, the relative risk (RR) of the CSI cut-off score of 40 points or higher among current smokers was calculated using a modified Poisson regression model. Covariates included age, sex, body mass index, marital status, equivalized income, exercise habits, history of hypertension, history of hyperlipidemia, history of diabetes, pain chronicity, and Pain Catastrophizing Scale score.


    This study analyzed 1,822 individuals (1,041 men and 781 women). Among those experiencing pain, current smoking was associated with the increase in CSI values (β = 0.07). The Brinkman index was also significantly associated with the increase in CSI values (β = 0.06). Current smoking also increased the risk of being over the CSI cut-off score, with a relative risk (RR) of 1.29 (95% confidence intervals, 1.04–1.60). Younger age, being women, experiencing chronic pain, and higher pain catastrophizing thinking were also significantly associated with increased CSS severity, independent of smoking status.


    Smoking is an independent risk factor for CSS. This indicates that smoking may be an important factor in the management of central pain disorders.

  • Impact of continued mindfulness practice on resilience and well‐being in mindfulness‐based intervention graduates during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A cross‐sectional study

    Chisato Tanaka, Kenta Wakaizumi, Akira Ninomiya, Noriko Tamura, Shizuko Kosugi, Sunre Park, Mitsuhiro Sado, Masaru Mimura, Daisuke Fujisawa

    Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences Reports (Wiley)  2 ( 3 )  2023.09

    Accepted,  ISSN  2769-2558

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic has caused unprecedented stress. Mindfulness‐based interventions (MBIs) are known to be effective in reducing stress. However, it is unclear how long‐term outcomes differ between those who continue mindfulness practice after MBIs and those who do not. In this study, we hypothesized that those who continued mindfulness practice would have higher stress tolerance, and we examined this hypothesis through a survey of MBI graduates. In this study, we examined the association between the continuation of mindfulness practice among MBI completers and individual stress during the COVID‐19 epidemic.


    A cross‐sectional survey of MBI graduates was conducted. The physical and mental health states were compared between those who established a habit of mindfulness practice (practice group) and those who did not (no practice group).


    The data were collected from 95 participants (response rate: 53.7%). Of the total respondents, 66 (69.5%) practiced mindfulness. Although the degree of perceived stress due to the COVID‐19 pandemic was not statistically different between the practice and no practice groups, the practice group showed significantly lower levels of depression (p = 0.007), higher levels of resilience (p = 0.006), higher levels of overall health (p = 0.006), and higher levels of mental health (p = 0.039). The effect of mindfulness practice on reducing depression was fully mediated by resilience.


    Among MBI graduates, those who regularly practiced mindfulness had lower levels of depression and higher levels of physical and mental health. Thus, the continuation of mindfulness practice increases resilience, buffers against new stressors such as the COVID‐19 pandemic, and has the potential to prevent depression.

  • Effect of repeated transforaminal epidural low-dose dexamethasone injections on glucose profiles of diabetic and non-diabetic patients with low back pain.

    Reiko Hoshino, Kenta Wakaizumi, Yasuhisa Otsuka, Hiroshi Morisaki, Shizuko Kosugi

    Journal of anesthesia (Journal of Anesthesia)  37 ( 2 ) 261 - 267 2023.04

    Accepted,  ISSN  09138668

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    PURPOSE: We aimed to investigate the effect of repeated transforaminal epidural low-dose dexamethasone injections on glucose profiles and pituitary-adrenal axis functions of diabetic and non-diabetic patients with low back pain. METHODS: A total of 28 patients (ten diabetic [DM group] and 18 non-diabetic patients [non-DM group]) with low back pain were followed-up. Transforaminal epidural low-dose dexamethasone (1.65 mg) injections were repeated every 7-14 days for 8 weeks. Fasting blood sugar (FBS), hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), morning plasma adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), and cortisol levels were measured at baseline and during the 8-week follow-up period. RESULTS: There were no significant changes in FBS and HbA1c levels between baseline and 8-week follow-up period in both DM and non-DM groups (difference in FBS [95% confidence Interval, CI]: - 0.6 mg/dL [- 6.4, 5.1], p = 0.83 in the non-DM group, - 0.2 mg/dL [- 26.2, 25.8], p = 0.99 in the DM group; difference in HbA1c [95% CI] - 0.02% [- 0.1, 0.1], p = 0.69 in the non-DM group, 0.04% [- 0.3, 0.4], p = 0.79 in the DM group). There were no significant longitudinal changes in ACTH and cortisol levels (ACTH, p = 0.38 [baseline vs. 8 week], p = 0.58 [non-DM vs. DM]; cortisol, p = 0.52 [baseline vs. 8 week], p = 0.90 [non-DM vs. DM]). CONCLUSIONS: Repeated transforaminal epidural low-dose dexamethasone injections provided no significant elevations in blood glucose or suppression of the pituitary-adrenal axis for two months from the first injection in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Our results indicate the intermediate-term safety of repeated transforaminal epidural low-dose dexamethasone injections with regard to the effect on glucose profile and pituitary-adrenal axis functions.

  • Decreased Interoceptive Awareness as a Risk Factor for Moderate to Severe Pain in Japanese Full-Time Workers: A Longitudinal Cohort Study

    Saki Takaoka, Kenta Wakaizumi, Chisato Tanaka, Shintaro Tanaka, Morihiko Kawate, Reiko Hoshino, Ko Matsudaira, Daisuke Fujisawa, Hiroshi Morisaki, Shizuko Kosugi

    Journal of Clinical Medicine (MDPI AG)  12 ( 8 ) 2896 - 2896 2023.04

    Corresponding author, Accepted

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    Interoceptive awareness, the conscious perception of internal bodily states, is a key construct of mind-body interaction. Decreases in interoceptive awareness, as measured by the Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness (MAIA), are found in chronic pain patients. In this study, we explored whether a specific aspect of interoceptive awareness is a risk for the onset and chronicity of pain. A longitudinal cohort study was conducted in 2018 and 2020 among a sample of full-time workers in an industrial manufacturing company in Japan. Participants completed a questionnaire on pain intensity, MAIA, exercise habits, kinesiophobia, psychological distress and work stress. Principal component analyses using the MAIA identified two principal components: self-control and emotional stability. Low emotional stability was associated with the prevalence of moderate to severe pain in 2020 among people with mild or no pain in 2018 (p &lt; 0.01). Lack of exercise habits were associated with the prevalence of moderate to severe pain in 2020 among people with pain in 2018 (p &lt; 0.01). Furthermore, exercise habits were associated with reduction in kinesiophobia among people with moderate to severe pain in 2018 (p = 0.047). Overall, these findings indicate that low emotional stability may be a risk for the onset of moderate to severe pain; lack of exercise habits may sustain kinesiophobia and be a risk for the chronicity of pain.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • ぶらり研究室探訪記4 慶應義塾大学医学部 麻酔学教室

    東條 健太郎, 若泉 謙太

    LiSA (株式会社医学書院)  30 ( 2 ) 210 - 213 2023.02

    ISSN  1340-8836

  • 神経経済学入門 : 痛みの脳科学とは 意思決定のしくみを理解し,最適な治療介入を目指す

    若泉 謙太

    LiSA = リサ : Life support and anesthesia : 周術期管理を核とした総合誌 (株式会社医学書院)  30 ( 1 ) 117 - 124 2023.01

    Lead author, Corresponding author,  ISSN  1340-8836

  • 言語的妥当性を担保した日本語版symptom catastrophizing scale(症状の破局的思考尺度)の作成

    山田 恵子, 若泉 謙太, 壬生 彰, 向後 響, 井関 雅子, 西上 智彦

    麻酔 (克誠堂出版(株))  71 ( 5 ) 554 - 561 2022.05

    ISSN  0021-4892

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    "症状の破局的思考尺度(symptom catastrophizing scale:SCS)"について、国際指針に準拠した手順で日本語翻訳とパイロット調査を行い、言語的な妥当性が担保された日本語版を作成した。今後、日本でもSCSが患者の破局的思考評価や臨床研究に活用されることが期待される。(著者抄録)

  • 「日本ペインクリニック学会第55回学術集会」から得たこと,考えたこと−ハイブリッド型学術集会の参加体験と学会の今後の方向性−

    Kenta Wakaizumi

    ペインクリニック 42 ( 10 ) 1193 - 1198 2021.10

    Lead author, Last author, Corresponding author

  • 言語的妥当性のある日本語版患者心象変化の多面的評価尺度(Multidimensional Evaluation Scale for Patient Impression Change-Japanese version:MPIC-J)の開発

    若泉 謙太, 山田 恵子, 西上 智彦, 壬生 彰, 向後 響, 小杉 志都子, 森崎 浩

    日本ペインクリニック学会誌 ((一社)日本ペインクリニック学会)  28 ( 5 ) 59 - 63 2021.05

    Lead author, Corresponding author,  ISSN  1340-4903

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Brain functional network and pain

    Kenta Wakaizumi

    Japanese Society for Spine Surgery and Related Research, 


    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated)

  • マイクロポンプ搭載、新時代PCAによる3つのやさしさと未来

    若泉 謙太



    Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 日本臨床麻酔学会

  • 若手研究者から痛み治療への提言 ペイン・クリニシャンが神経ブロックの有効性を実証するためのデータ・サイエンス

    若泉 謙太



    Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), (一社)日本ペインクリニック学会

  • 痛みの重症度は職場でのアブセンティズムとプレゼンティズムの独立したリスク因子である

    高岡 早紀, 若泉 謙太, 星野 麗子, 本田 あやか, 篠原 佑太, 森崎 浩, 小杉 志都子




  • 喫煙と痛みの中枢性感作症候群との関連 疫学的検討

    千葉 聡子, 山田 恵子, 河合 愛子, 濱岡 早枝子, 鈴木 博子, 原 厚子, 若泉 謙太, 山口 敬介, 井関 雅子




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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 術後痛が慢性化する脳科学的基盤の解明


    基盤研究(B), Principal investigator

  • 就労制限を来たした慢性疼痛患者の就労支援に寄与する多角的包括的研究


    厚生労働科学研究費, 慢性の痛み政策研究事業, Coinvestigator(s)

  • 在宅勤務下の健康的な生活行動に関する脳神経基盤の検討


    花王健康科学研究会, Principal investigator

  • 非がん性疼痛に対するインターネット支援型認知行動療法の開発と脳科学的機序の検討


    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(B), 基盤研究(B), No Setting

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    一次性慢性痛は中枢神経系の可塑的変化を伴うとされる難治性疼痛であり、一般に手術適応がなく、投薬や神経ブロックに反応しにくい。そのため、効果的な治療の開発により、国民全体の健康寿命の延伸が期待できる。認知行動療法(Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: CBT)は、患者の歪んだ認知に働きかけ、行動変容を促す心理療法であり、中枢神経系を調整できる可能性がある。本研究の目的は、すでにうつや不安で有効性が示されているインターネット支援型CBT(iCBT)を慢性痛版に改良し、一次性慢性痛に対するiCBTの有効性を縦断的に示し、さらに脳画像解析を行うことで、iCBTによる疼痛の改善に、脳機能ネットワークの再構築が機序として関与していることを証明することである。一次性慢性痛患者40人を対象とし、iCBT (週1回、45分、全7回)の開始前と終了後(約3か月後)、および6・12か月後に、質問票を用いた多面的な症状(痛み、生活の障害度、認知・情動、睡眠など)の評価、反復熱刺激装置による残感覚検査、安静時機能的MRIによる脳画像検査を行うことを予定している。2021年度は、iCBTのセラピストの教育育成を行い、質の高いiCBTの提供を可能にしたことは大きな成果である。また、10名の被検者を登録し、治療前後の多面的症状評価、残感覚時間、および安静時機能的MRI画像のデータの取得を行った。2021年度の目標被検者登録数は達成できており、データ取得も滞りなく、計画通りに遂行されている。

  • Development of Japanese version of the multidimensional evaluation scale for patient impression change for non-cancer pain


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists , Principal investigator

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • 2021年度ペインクリニック学会優秀論文賞(原著臨床部門)

    星野麗子, 本田あやか, 篠原佑太, 石川愛子, 田中智里, 辻収彦, 若泉謙太, 森崎浩, 小杉志都子, 2023.07, Japanese Society for Pain Clinicians, 集学的痛みセンターにおける慢性腰痛・頚部痛の治療反応性ーICD-11に基づく慢性痛分類による比較ー

  • 2021年度ペインクリニック学会優秀論文賞(原著臨床部門)

    本田 あやか, 星野 麗子, 篠原 佑太, 石川 愛子, 田中 智里, 高岡 早紀, 辻 収彦, 西村 大輔, 若泉 謙太, 森崎 浩, 小杉 志都子, 2022.07, Japanese Society for Pain Clinicians, 脊椎由来疼痛の保存的治療における疼痛関連アウトカムに影響する因子の検討

    Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

  • Special Paper Award

    Kenta Wakaizumi, 2021.05, The United Japanese researchers Around the world, Psychosocial, functional and emotional correlates of long-term opioid use in chronic back pain patients: a cross-sectional case-control study

    Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.

  • Best Presenter Award

    Kenta Wakaizumi, 2020.07, The United Japanese researchers Around the world and The Cheiron Initiative, 家族留学のすゝめ

    Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.,  Country: United States

  • Financial Aid Award

    Kenta Wakaizumi, 2014, International Association for the Study of Pain, Aerobic exercise relieves chronic pain and increases the micro RNA 200b/429 expressions in nucleus accumbens neurons

    Type of Award: Award from international society, conference, symposium, etc.,  Country: Argentina


Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 

  • Society for Neuroscience, 

  • International Association for the Study of Pain, 

  • 日本疼痛学会, 

  • 日本慢性疼痛学会, 


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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2023.10

    Deligate, Japanese Association of the Study for Pain

  • 2023.07

    Councilor, Japanese Society for Pain Clinicians

  • 2023.07

    財務委員, 日本ペインクリニック学会

  • 2023.04

    Deligate, Japanese Society for Anesthesiologists

  • 2021.09

    世話人, 神経ブロックEBM研究会