Hanada, Takashi



School of Medicine, Department of Radiology (Radiation Oncology) (Shinanomachi)


Assistant Professor/Senior Assistant Professor

External Links

Career 【 Display / hide

  • 2004.04

    独立行政法人国立病院機構東京医療センター, 放射線科

  • 2009.09

    Keio University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology (Radiation Oncology), Instructor

  • 2010.04

    Keio University School of Medicine, Endowed Course for Advanced Medical Science & Environmental Preventive Medicine, Instructor

  • 2010.10

    Keio University School of Medicine, Endowed Course for Advanced Medical Environmental Informatics Science, Instructor

  • 2011.04

    Keio University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology (Radiation Oncology), Instructor

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Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 2002.03

    Kitasato University, School of Allied Health Sciences, Medical Engineering and Technology: Radiological Technology

    University, Graduated

  • 2004.03

    Kitasato University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Medical Science

    Graduate School, Completed, Master's course

  • 2010.09

    Kitasato University, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Medicine

    Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • Master of Medical Science, Kitasato University, Coursework, 2004.03

  • Doctor of Medicine, Kitasato University, Coursework, 2010.09


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Life Science / Radiological sciences (Radiation Science)

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • 放射線物理学

  • 放射線計測学


Books 【 Display / hide

  • 密封小線源治療 診療・物理QAマニュアル 第2版

    日本放射線腫瘍学会小線源治療部会, Kanehara & Co., Ltd., 2022.05

    Scope: 1章 小線源治療の基礎知識と線源特性 B 線源特性,  Contact page: 8-18

  • 密封小線源治療 診療・物理QAマニュアル 第2版

    日本放射線腫瘍学会小線源治療部会, Kanehara & Co., Ltd., 2022.05

    Scope: 11章 品質管理・品質保証(QC・QA) C 低線量率 (LDR) 小線源治療のQA・QC,  Contact page: 223-269

  • 密封小線源治療 診療・物理QAマニュアル 第2版

    日本放射線腫瘍学会小線源治療部会, Kanehara & Co., Ltd., 2022.05

    Scope: 2章 線量評価法 B 線量分布計算,  Contact page: 27-36

  • 最先端医療機器の病院への普及展望と今後の製品開発

    大橋俊夫, 大出健一, 深田恭平, 花田剛士, Technical Information Institute Co., Ltd., 2018.05

    Scope: 第2章 画像診断・放射線治療技術の病院への導入実態と普及予測 第6節 強度変調放射線治療 (IMRT) の現状と今後の汎用化展望,  Contact page: 105-112

  • Standard Dosimetry of Absorbed Dose to Water in Brachytherapy

    Japan Society of Medical Physics, Tsusho Sangyo Kenkyu Sha Co., Ltd., 2018.03

    Scope: 付録4 モデルベース型線量計算アルゴリズムによる線量計算,  Contact page: 143-161

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • A rare instance of latent systematic error in volumetric-modulated arc therapy with field-extended multi-isocentre irradiation leading to a serious dose-delivery accident

    Hanada T, Fukada J, Shiraishi Y, Yoshida K, Sakanoue N, Oguma K, Ohashi T, Shigematsu N

    BJR|Case Reports (Oxford University Press)  10 ( 4 ) uaae021 2024.07

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Lead author, Corresponding author, Accepted,  ISSN  2055-7159

  • Incidence of radiation-induced nausea and vomiting: a prospective single-institution pilot study

    Yoshida K, Hanada T, Fukada J, Kawamura M, Shigematsu N

    Keio Journal of Medicine (Keio University School of Medicine)  73 ( 2 ) 15 - 23 2024.02

    Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted,  ISSN  0022-9717

  • Current status and issues with the dosimetric assay of iodine-125 seed sources at medical facilities in Japan: a questionnaire-based survey

    Kojima T, Kawamura S, Otani Y, Hanada T, Wakitani Y, Naniwa K, Yorozu A, Ikushima H, Dokiya T

    Journal of Radiation Research (Oxford University Press)  64 ( 6 ) 962 - 966 2023.09

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1349-9157

  • Evaluation of dose perturbations around iodine-125 seed sources in supplemental external beam prostate radiotherapy

    Kanda D, Hanada T, Yoshida K, Tanaka T, Eriguchi T, Ohashi T, Shigematsu N

    Journal of Radiation Research (Oxford University Press)  64 ( 3 ) 590 - 598 2023.05

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Corresponding author, Accepted,  ISSN  1349-9157

  • Multi-Institutional Study of End-to-End Dose Delivery Quality Assurance Testing for Image-Guided Brachytherapy Using a Gel Dosimeter

    Tachibana H, Watanabe Y, Kurokawa S, Maeyama T, Hiroki T, Ikoma H, Hirashima H, Kojima H, Shiinoki T, Tanimoto Y, Shimizu H, Shishido H, Oka Y, Hirose T, A, Kinjo M, Morozumi T, Kurooka M, Suzuki H, Saito T, Fujita K, Shirata R, Inada R, Yada R, Yamashita M, Kondo K, Hanada T, Takenaka T, Usui K, Okamoto H, Asakura H, Notake R, Kojima T, Kumazaki Y, Hatanaka S, Kikumura R, Nakajima M, Nakada R, Suzuki R, Mizuno H, Kawamura S, Nakamura M, Akimoto T

    Brachytherapy (Elsevier B.V.)   2022.07

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  1538-4721

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Technical report: quality assurance for 125I seed sources in permanent prostate brachytherapy

    Kojima T, Kawamura S, Otani Y, Yamada T, Okamoto H, Kamomae T, Yamashita O, Ooshita T, Kurosawa T, Wakitani Y, Hanada T, Yorozu A, Naniwa N, Moto T, Hasegawa G, Furuhata Y, Fujii K

    Japanese Journal of Medical Physics ( International Academic Publishing Co., Ltd.)  43 ( 1 ) 1 - 16 2023.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work,  ISSN  1345-5354

  • The evolution of brachytherapy dose calculation algorithms

    Hanada T, Kamitaka H

    Japanese Journal of Medical Physics ( International Academic Publishing Co., Ltd.)  39 ( 2 ) 1 - 10 2019.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work,  ISSN  1345-5362

  • 強度変調放射線治療・画像誘導放射線治療, 特集:腫瘍に対する放射線治療, ‐高度化・個別化治療へ‐, Ⅱ. 先端放射線治療

    大橋俊夫, 花田剛士, 上高大明

    Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine (Nipponrinshosha Co., Ltd.)  75 ( 8 ) 1177 - 1181 2017.08

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work,  ISSN  0047-1852

  • 3D-IGBTに向けた計算アルゴリズムの理解

    花田剛士, 大橋俊夫, 萬篤憲, 茂松直之

    Journal of Radiotherapy Section (Public Interest Incorporated Association Japanese Society of Radiological Technology)  29 ( 2 ) 38 - 46 2015.10

    Research paper, summary (national, other academic conference), Single Work,  ISSN  2189-3063

  • Physical and handling properties of I-125 seed source

    Hanada T

    Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology (Medical Tribune, Inc.)  65 ( 4 ) 476 - 481 2009.04

    Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Single Work,  ISSN  0369-4305

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Physical characteristics of annihilation photons and background components produced during Xray therapy with medical linac

    Takahashi K, Hanada T, Hasegawa T, Hashimoto M, Ishigami M, Miyauchi H, Tanaka Y, Shigematsu N

    2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 


    Poster presentation

  • Physical characteristics of annihilation and related background photons produced in x-ray irradiation with medical linear accelerator

    Takahashi K, Hanada T, Miyauchi H, Tanaka Y, Hashimoto M, Hasegawa T

    2020 Joint AAPM | COMP Meeting (Vancouver) , 


    Poster presentation

  • Validation of NTCP model parameter estimation for late rectal bleeding: observations in patients with prostate cancer who underwent IMRT in clinical practice

    Ishii G, Hanada T, Hasegawa T, Ohashi T, Shigematsu N

    AAPM 61st Annual Meeting & Exhibition (San Antonio) , 


    Poster presentation

  • Comparison of late genitourinary and gastrointestinal toxicity following different modalities of definitive radiation therapy for prostate cancer

    Sutani S, Ohashi T, Sakayori M, Kaneda T, Yamashita S, Momma T, Hanada T, Shiraishi Y, Fukada J, Shigematsu N

    ASTRO’s 57th Annual Meeting (San Antonio) , 


    Poster presentation

  • Quantification of interfraction and intrafraction pancreas motion using pancreatic stent

    Fukada J, Kitago M, Sutani S, Itano O, Hanada T, Kitagawa Y, Shigematsu N

    ASTRO’s 57th Annual Meeting (San Antonio) , 


    Poster presentation

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • ビーム照射中の空間的線量照合に特化した「線量監視」の照合方式の新規開発


    Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting

  • 放射線治療中の患者体内の線量投与領域の可視化に関する研究開発


    MEXT, JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, HANADA Takashi, HASEGAWA Tomoyuki, OHASHI Toshio, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Research grant, Principal investigator

  • Development of delivery dose monitoring system for photon beam radiotherapy


    MEXT, JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, HANADA Takashi, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Principal investigator

  • Four-dimensional dose distribution measurement using plastic scintillator


    MEXT, JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, HASHIMOTO Masatoshi, NISHIO Teiji, HANADA Takashi, HAGA Akihiro, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Coinvestigator(s)

  • Establishment of accuracy management system in IMRT QA/QC using organic phosphor


    MEXT, JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, HANADA Takashi, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), Principal investigator

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Awards 【 Display / hide

  • Outstanding Reviewer Award

    Takashi Hanada, 2021.04, Radiological Physics and Technology, Outstanding Reviewer in 2020

    Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

  • CyPos銀賞

    花田剛士, 2007.04, 第63回日本放射線技術学会総会学術大会, I-125 SEED永久挿入小線源治療におけるModel6711とSTM1251の物理特性の 違いに関する基礎的検討

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • 優秀発表賞(総合)

    花田剛士, 2006.11, 日本放射線腫瘍学会第19回学術大会, I-125 SEED永久挿入小線源治療の線量計算パラメータの検証

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine, 

  • Japan Society of Medical Physics, 

  • Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology, 

  • Japan Radiological Society, 

  • The Japanese College of Medical Physics, 


Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2009.06

    幹事, 日本放射線腫瘍学会小線源治療部会

  • 2025.01

    Medical Physicist Committee, Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology

  • 2025.01

    Nominating Committee, Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology

  • 2024.06

    Representative, Japanese Society for Radiation Oncology

  • 2024.06

    Medical Physicist Committee, Japan Society of Medical Physics

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