江口 洋子 (エグチ ヨウコ)

Eguchi, Yoko



医学部 精神・神経科学教室 (信濃町)





研究分野 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 人文・社会 / 社会心理学

  • 人文・社会 / 実験心理学

  • ライフサイエンス / 精神神経科学

研究キーワード 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 老年心理学

  • 臨床神経心理学

  • 認知症


著書 【 表示 / 非表示

  • リハビリテーションにおける評価 Ver.3

    江口 洋子(編著 上月正博,正門由久,吉永勝訓), 医歯薬出版, 2016年05月

    担当範囲: 13. 遂行機能障害

  • 認知症の人の医療選択と意思決定支援

    江口 洋子)(編著 成本迅), クリエイツかもがわ, 2016年

    担当範囲: 4. 認知症高齢者の医療同意能力評価に関する手法と課題

  • 高齢者の言語聴覚障害 症例から学ぶ評価と支援のポイント

    江口 洋子(編著 飯干紀代子,吉畑博代), 建帛社, 2015年01月

    担当範囲: 第3章 認知症 症例3軽度認知障害(MCI)

  • 精神・心理機能評価ハンドブック

    江口 洋子(編集 山内俊雄,鹿島晴雄), 中山書店, 2015年

    担当範囲: 2. Ⅳその他の高次脳機能の評価法 視覚・視空間認知 8顔再認・社会的出来事再認検査

  • 医療従事者のための同意能力評価の進め方・考え方

    江口 洋子(監修 三村 將, 監訳 成本 迅), 医歯薬出版, 2015年

    担当範囲: 93p-118p

論文 【 表示 / 非表示

  • The utility of simple questions to evaluate cognitive impairment

    Daté Y., Sugiyama D., Tabuchi H., Saito N., Konishi M., Eguchi Y., Momota Y., Yoshizaki T., Mashima K., Mimura M., Nakahara J., Ito D.

    PLoS ONE (PLoS ONE)  15 ( 5 )  2020年05月


    © 2020 Daté et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Objectives As the population of patients with cognitive decline grows, physicians and caregivers need brief screening tools. Comprehensive neurocognitive batteries require special training and time for evaluation. We focused on accessibility and compared the diagnostic power of several easy questions. Design “Attended With” (AW) and “Head-Turning Sign” (HTS) factors and participants’ replies to following questions were recorded: “Do you feel that you have more difficulties in your daily life than you used to?”, [no consciousness (C-) or consciousness+ (C+)], “Could you tell me about your daily pleasures or pastimes?” [no pleasure (P-) or pleasure + (P+)], “What are notable current/recent news/topics?” [no news (N-) or news+ (N+)]. Setting This took place in our Memory Clinic between May 2016 and July 2019. Participants We enrolled 162 consecutive cases (44 cognitive normal (CN), 55 amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), and 48 Alzheimer’s disease (AD)). Measurements The sensitivity and specificity of each battery were calculated, and on account of those numbers, the population attributable risk percent % (PAR%) of (AW and HTS+), (C- and P-), (C- and N-), (P- and N-) as analysis of combination of questions, respectively, were calculated. Results AW had high sensitivity, 87.4, 95.8% (CN vs aMCI + AD, CN + aMCI vs AD) but the sensitivity of HTS was only 46.4, 57.7%, and HTS showed high specificity, 100.0, 71.8%. C- had high sensitivity, 80.6, 87.5%, whereas P- and N- had high specificity, both 83.9% in CN vs aMCI + AD, 88.1% and 75.9% in CN + aMCI vs AD, respectively. In combination analysis, the PAR% of (C- and N-) were as high as (AW and HTS+). Conclusions The combination of (C- and N-) is as powerful as (AW and HTS+) in screening AD. Our findings provide novel insights for screening utility of brief questions “Consciousness of Impairment” and “Recent News.”

  • Sociopsychological characteristics of late nonagenarians in Japan: the protocol of the Arakawa 95+ study

    Niimura H., Eguchi Y., Kida H., Suzuki K., Takayama M., Mimura M.

    Psychogeriatrics (Psychogeriatrics)  20 ( 1 ) 50 - 58 2020年01月

    ISSN  13463500


    © 2019 Japanese Psychogeriatric Society Aim: The aim of this study was to examine sociopsychological characteristics of the oldest old in Japan. We conducted a baseline survey of a community-based cohort of persons aged 95 or older. Methods: Participants were aged 95+ years and resided in Arakawa Ward in Tokyo on 1 January 2016. We mailed a questionnaire to these individuals to assess their physical, mental, and social status. Subsequently, if respondents agreed, we conducted in-home interviews and examined their physical and cognitive function. Also, we mailed non-respondents a simplified version of full questionnaire. Additionally, we examined the basic registered data of the study population and the status of their Long-term Care Insurance. Data at baseline and 1-year follow-up were compared. Results: With regard to Long-term Care Insurance, 423 residents aged 95+ years (78.0%) were on long-term care level, 35 (6.5%) were on support level, and 84 (15.5%) did not require support. At the 1-year follow-up, 275 (50.7%) had the same care level, 107 (19.7%) required a greater level of care, and 131 had died (annual death rate: 24.2%). Compared to the simplified questionnaire group (n = 128) and the full questionnaire-only group (n = 14), a higher proportion of respondents who had completed the full questionnaire and had in-home interviews (n = 26) were men, lived only with a spouse, had higher activities of daily living, and reported more positive feelings and well-being. Conclusions: In the late nonagenarian population, the annual death rate was high, and care needs increased rapidly. However, some persons maintained the same care level or even showed improvement and successful ageing.

  • Increasing light physical activity helps to maintain cognitive function among the community-dwelling oldest old population: a cross-sectional study using actigraph from the Arakawa 85+ study

    Suzuki K., Niimura H., Kida H., Eguchi Y., Kitashima C., Takayama M., Mimura M.

    Geriatrics and Gerontology International (Geriatrics and Gerontology International)  2020年

    ISSN  14441586


    © 2020 Japan Geriatrics Society Aim: To investigate the influence of replacing sedentary time with physical activity on cognitive function using an isotemporal substitution model in a population of community-dwelling oldest old. Methods: This cross-sectional study included residents of the Arakawa ward, Tokyo, who were part of a prospective cohort from the Arakawa 85+ study. We measured physical activity in 136 participants using a triaxial actigraph. Cognitive function was measured using the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-III and participants were divided into a “cognitive decline group” (Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-III ≤88) and “cognitive maintain group” (Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination-III ≥89). Physical activity was divided into three categories: sedentary behavior (≤1.5 metabolic equivalents), light physical activity (>1.5 to <3.0 metabolic equivalents), and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (≥3 metabolic equivalents). Using an isotemporal substitution approach, we applied multiple logistic regression analysis to demonstrate the association between cognitive function and replacing 30 min/day of sedentary behavior with an equal period of light physical activity. Covariates included age, education and the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Results: Our findings showed that in men, replacing 30 min of sedentary behavior per day with light physical activity was associated with a 1.47-fold increase in the odds of maintaining cognitive function. An association between physical activity and cognitive function was not observed in female participants. Conclusions: Our results indicate that substituting sedentary behavior with light physical activity could be helpful in maintaining cognitive function in community-dwelling oldest old men. These results highlight the importance of behavioral changes to promote cognition. Geriatr Gerontol Int ••; ••: ••–•• Geriatr Gerontol Int 2020; ••: ••–••.

  • Large-Scale Dialog Corpus Towards Automatic Mental Disease Diagnosis

    Sakishita M., Kishimoto T., Takinami A., Eguchi Y., Kano Y.

    Studies in Computational Intelligence (Studies in Computational Intelligence)  843   111 - 118 2020年

    ISSN  1860949X


    © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020. Recently, the number of people who are diagnosed as mental diseases is increasing. Efficient and objective diagnosis is important to start medical treatments in earlier stages. However, mental disease diagnosis is difficult to quantify criteria, because it is performed through conversations with patients, not by physical surveys. We aim to automate mental disease diagnosis in order to resolve these issues. We recorded conversations between psychologists and subjects to build our diagnosis speech corpus. Our subjects include healthy persons, people with mental diseases of depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety and dementia. All of our subjects are diagnosed by doctors of psychiatry. Then we made accurate transcription manually, adding utterance time stamps, linguistic and non-linguistic annotations. Using our corpus, we performed feature analysis to find characteristics for each disease. We also tried automatic mental disease diagnosis by machine learning, while the number of sample data is few because we were still in our pilot study phase. We will increase the number of subjects in future.

  • Subiculum volumes associated with memory function in the oldest-old individuals aged 95 years and older

    Eguchi Y., Noda Y., Nakajima S., Tsugawa S., Kida H., Plitman E., Graff-Guerrero A., Chakravarty M., Takayama M., Arai Y., Matsuda H., Mimura M., Niimura H.

    Geriatrics and Gerontology International (Geriatrics and Gerontology International)  19 ( 4 ) 347 - 351 2019年04月

    ISSN  14441586


    © 2019 Japan Geriatrics Society Aim: Few cohort studies targeting the oldest-old individuals have been carried out. The subiculum in the hippocampus is thought to be related to memory function, and atrophy of this structure might result in the conversion from amnestic mild cognitive impairment to Alzheimer's disease. Thus, we sought to examine the relationship between subiculum volumes and memory function in individuals aged ≥95 years, using a novel cognitive examination called the Addenbrooke's Cognitive Examination III (ACE-III) and an advanced magnetic resonance imaging analytical method, Multiple Automatically Generated Templates Brain Segmentation Algorithm (MAGeTbrain), to measure hippocampal subfield volumes. Methods: A part of the cohort data of the Arakawa 95+ study for the oldest-old aged ≥95 years was used. A total of 10 individuals completed all of the examinations. The MAGeT brain was applied to estimate the subfield volumes of the hippocampus. Correlation analyses and multiple regression analyses were carried out to examine a relationship among ACE-III memory scores and the subfield volumes in the hippocampus, including the subiculum. Results: There was a significant relationship between ACE-III memory scores and subdivision volumes. Regression analyses showed that subiculum volumes were associated with ACE-III memory scores in the oldest-old individuals (β = 0.721, P = 0.019; F 1, 8 = 8.67, adjusted R 2 = 0.46). Conclusions: The subiculum might play a pivotal role in memory function in the oldest-old individuals aged ≥95 years. The present finding warrants further research including larger sample sizes. Geriatr Gerontol Int 2019; 19: 347–351.

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KOARA(リポジトリ)収録論文等 【 表示 / 非表示

総説・解説等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 【図でわかる 認知症の中核症状とケア】 症状別メカニズムの理解とケアのポイント 箸の使い方がわからなくなる(失行)

    江口 洋子

    おはよう21 (中央法規出版)  27 ( 4 ) 22 - 23 2016年03月


  • 進行性失語をめぐる諸問題 アルツハイマー病とsemantic dementiaの意味記憶障害

    吉野 文浩 , 船山 道隆 , 是木 明宏 , 斎藤 文恵 , 江口 洋子 , 三村 將 , 吉野 相英 , 加藤 元一郎

    高次脳機能研究 32 ( 3 ) 405 - 416 2012年09月

    記事・総説・解説・論説等(学術雑誌), 共著

研究発表 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 認知症理解のための神経心理アセスメントの基礎

    江口 洋子

    臨床に役立認知症の神経心理アセスメント (福岡) , 


    公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等, 一般社団法人 日本未病システム学会メンタルヘルス部会

  • 認知機能の可視化の現状と可能性-神経心理検査から人工知能を利用した評価システム開発まで-

    江口 洋子, 吉村 道孝, 北沢 桃子, 岸本 泰士郎

    第25回日本未病システム学会学術総会 (東京) , 


    シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(公募)


    シンポジウム 6 『未病の可視化と臨床検査』

  • パネルディスカッション「高齢者の詐欺被害防止のための地域活動とは」

    江口 洋子

    「安全・安心なまちづくりを目指す地域の取り組み」ー振り込め詐欺や悪質商法の被害に遭わないために― (神奈川県座間市) , 


    シンポジウム・ワークショップ パネル(指名)

  • Project for Objective Measures Utilizing Computational Psychiatry Technology (PROMPT): The Prospect of New Approaches in Psychiatry in Japan.

    Kishimoto T, Liang KC, Fujita T, Kitazawa M, Yoshimura M, Eguchi Y, Tazawa Y, Horigome T, Takamiya A, Mimura M.

    WFSBP 2018 KOBE (Kobe, Japan) , 



  • 判断能力が不十分な人の医療選択と意思決定支援

    江口 洋子

    平成30年度市民後見人フォローアップ研修 (東京) , 


    公開講演,セミナー,チュートリアル,講習,講義等, 一般社団法人地域後見推進センター

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競争的研究費の研究課題 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 認知症の人の医療に対する意思を尊重するためのジレンマ最小化ツールの開発


    江口 洋子, 基盤研究(C), 補助金,  研究代表者

  • 高齢患者の簡易医療同意能力スクリーニングと意思決定支援ツールの開発


    文部科学省・日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, 江口 洋子, 基盤研究(C), 補助金,  研究代表者

知的財産権等 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 被検査者の経済活動における意思決定能力を遠隔評価する方法、プログラム及びシステム

    出願日: 特願2014-264222(P2014-264222)  2014年12月 

    公開日: 特開2016-126384(P2016-126384A)   

    発行日: 特許第6253573号(P6253573)  2018年12月

    特許権, 共同


教育活動及び特記事項 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 慶應義塾大学経済学部講座「長寿と金融」講師


    , 教育内容・方法の工夫


社会活動 【 表示 / 非表示

  • 振り込め詐欺などの被害をまなぶ会
