Takeda, Toshikazu



School of Medicine, Department of Urology (Shinanomachi)


Senior Assistant Professor (Non-tenured)/Assistant Professor (Non-tenured)

Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1996.04

    Keio University, 医学部

    University, Graduated

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 博士(医学), Keio University, 2013.03

Licenses and Qualifications 【 Display / hide

  • 医師免許, 2002.06

  • 泌尿器科専門医, 2007.04

  • がん治療認定医, 2010.04

  • 日本泌尿器内視鏡学会 泌尿器腹腔鏡技術認定医, 2010.05

  • 日本内視鏡外科学会 泌尿器腹腔鏡技術認定医, 2010.05

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Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Life Science / Urology

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • ロボット支援手術

  • 副腎腫瘍

  • 泌尿器癌

  • 腹腔鏡下手術


Papers 【 Display / hide

  • A Japanese patient with ductal carcinoma of the prostate carrying an adenomatosis polyposis coli gene mutation: a case report

    Umeda K., Kosaka T., Nakamura K., Takeda T., Mikami S., Nishihara H., Oya M.

    Diagnostic Pathology (Diagnostic Pathology)  15 ( 1 ) 102 2020.08

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    © 2020 The Author(s). Background: Ductal carcinoma of the prostate is a histological subtype with a higher mortality than acinar adenocarcinoma. The number of cases is small and there are no treatment guidelines. We believe that this is the first report of ductal carcinoma of the prostate with an adenomatosis polyposis coli (APC) gene mutation in Japan. Case presentation: An 85-year-old man presented with gross hematuria, and a papillary tumor in the prostatic urethra that was diagnosed as ductal carcinoma of the prostate following transurethral resection. Genetic analysis found an APC mutation with loss of heterozygosity. Immunostaining revealed focal nuclear translocation of β-catenin. APC mutations associated with loss of β-catenin degradation in the Wnt signaling pathway and result in over accumulation of β-catenin are thought to increase mortality. In this patient, β-catenin migrated into tumor cell nuclei. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of ductal carcinoma of the prostate with an APC mutation in Japan. The development of a therapeutic Wnt inhibitor is discussed.

  • External validation of the "optimal PSA follow-up schedule after radical prostatectomy” in a new cohort

    Yanai Y., Matsumoto K., Kosaka T., Takeda T., Tanaka N., Morita S., Mizuno R., Shinojima T., Asanuma H., Oya M.

    International Journal of Clinical Oncology (International Journal of Clinical Oncology)  25 ( 7 ) 1393 - 1397 2020.07

    ISSN  13419625

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    © 2020, Japan Society of Clinical Oncology. Background: Biochemical recurrence (BCR) after radical prostatectomy (RP) is most commonly diagnosed by detecting an increase in asymptomatic prostate-specific antigen (PSA). We previously reported the “optimal PSA follow-up schedule after RP”. The aim of this study was to confirm the usefulness and safety of that follow-up schedule in another cohort. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinicopathological data of 798 consecutive patients who underwent radical prostatectomy between 2009 and 2017. We examined all PSA values measured during follow-up. Furthermore, we estimated the PSA value when we observed the “optimal PSA follow-up schedule” at each timing in the virtual follow-up. BCR was defined as an elevation of PSA to greater than 0.2 ng/ml, and the ideal PSA range for detection of BCR was regarded to be 0.2–0.4 ng/ml. Results: During the mean follow-up period of 5.8 years, BCR occurred in 115 (14.9%) patients and the frequency of virtual follow-up was significantly lower than the actual frequency. However, overlooking of BCR (detecting BCR when PSA exceeded 0.4 ng/ml) was observed in 17 patients, which is higher than the actual frequency of overlooking (12 patients). Therefore, we modified the follow-up schedule, which could achieve the lower follow-up frequency and a limited number of overlooking of BCR (7 patients). Conclusion: This external validation study revealed that the "modified optimal PSA follow-up schedule after RP" can reduce the frequency of PSA measurement with a limited risk of overlooking BCR.

  • Appropriate timing for a biochemical evaluation after adrenalectomy for unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma

    Takamatsu K., Takeda T., Hattori S., Tanaka N., Morita S., Matsumoto K., Kosaka T., Mizuno R., Shinojima T., Kikuchi E., Asanuma H., Kurihara I., Itoh H., Oya M.

    Clinical Endocrinology (Clinical Endocrinology)  92 ( 6 ) 503 - 508 2020.06

    ISSN  03000664

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    © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd Context: The oversecretion of plasma aldosterone by unilateral aldosterone-producing adenoma (APA) can be cured by adrenalectomy. However, the time needed for the endocrine environment to normalize remains unclear. Objective: To clarify adequate timing for a biochemical evaluation in unilateral APA patients after adrenalectomy. Design and patients: A total of 166 unilateral APA patients were retrospectively reviewed. We evaluated the plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) (pg/mL), active renin concentration (ARC) (pg/mL), aldosterone-renin ratio (ARR; PAC/ARC), serum potassium concentration and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) at 1, 3 and 6 postoperation months (POM). Results: PAC was significantly lower at 1POM than at presurgery (presurgery; 407.2, 1 POM; 90.0 pg/mL, P <.001). ARC did not increase from baseline at 1POM, but significantly increased at 3POM (presurgery; 4.43, 1POM; 4.87, 3POM; 11.3 pg/mL, P <.001). ARR significantly decreased at 1POM (presurgery; 146.9, 1 POM; 26.3, P <.001) although ARC did not increase at 1POM. Among the 34 patients who had hypokalaemia presurgery, it was resolved in 28 (82%) at 1POM and in all (100%) at 3POM. The biochemical outcomes at 1POM were 131 (79%) complete, 20 (12%) partial and 15 (9%) absent successes, while at 3POM, 147 (89%) were complete, 9 (5%) partial and 10 (6%) absent. Twenty-three (14%) patients were reclassified into different biochemical outcomes between 1 and 3POM, whereas only 5 (3%) changed between 3 and 6POM. Conclusion: The appropriate timing for a biochemical evaluation of unilateral APA patients treated with laparoscopic adrenalectomy appears to be 3 months or more after surgery.

  • Extensive disease among potential candidates for hemi-ablative focal therapy for prostate cancer

    Takeda T., Tin A.L., Corradi R.B., Alvim R., Hashimoto T., Ito Y., Nguyen D.P., Mamoor M., Robertson N.L., Vargas H.A., Benfante N.E., Sjoberg D.D., Eastham J.A., Scardino P.T., Fine S.W., Oya M., Touijer K.A.

    International Journal of Urology (International Journal of Urology)  27 ( 2 ) 179 - 185 2020.02

    ISSN  09198172

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    © 2019 The Japanese Urological Association Objective: To examine a set of proposed eligibility factors for hemi-ablative focal therapy in prostate cancer and to determine the likelihood of residual extensive disease. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data from 98 patients with unilateral prostate cancer on biopsy with detailed tumor maps from whole-mount slides and preoperative magnetic resonance imaging data. These patients met the focal therapy consensus meeting inclusion criteria (prostate-specific antigen <15 ng/mL, clinical stage T1c-T2a and Gleason score 3 + 3 or 3 + 4 on needle biopsy), and underwent radical prostatectomy between 2000 and 2014. Extensive disease was defined as having Gleason pattern 4/5 in bilateral lobes, any extraprostatic extension, seminal vesicle invasion or lymph node invasion. Both lobes of the prostate were scored on magnetic resonance imaging. Preoperative characteristics including biopsy and magnetic resonance imaging data were used to predict extensive disease. Results: Among our cohort of 98 patients, 40% (95% CI 30–50%) had extensive disease. A total of 33% (95% CI 24–43%) had Gleason pattern 4/5 in both lobes with a median Gleason pattern 4/5 tumor volume in the biopsy negative lobe of 0.06 cm3, 17 patients had pathological tumor stage ≥3 and one patient had lymph node invasion. Conclusions: An important number of patients meeting the focal therapy consensus meeting inclusion criteria can present extensive disease. Further studies using targeted biopsies might provide more accurate information about the selection of focal therapy candidates.

  • Can random bladder biopsies be eliminated after bacillus Calmette–Guérin therapy against carcinoma in situ?

    Takamatsu K., Matsumoto K., Kikuchi E., Ogihara K., Hayakawa N., Tanaka N., Takeda T., Morita S., Kosaka T., Mizuno R., Asanuma H., Mikami S., Oyama M., Oya M.

    International Urology and Nephrology (International Urology and Nephrology)   2020

    ISSN  03011623

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    © 2020, Springer Nature B.V. Purpose: Intravesical bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) is the standard of care for bladder carcinoma in situ (CIS). The response to BCG therapy against CIS is generally assessed by random bladder biopsy (RBB). In this study, we examined the necessity of routine RBB after BCG therapy. Methods: We retrospectively identified 102 patients who were initially diagnosed with CIS with or without papillary tumor and received subsequent 6–8-week BCG therapy. Thereafter, all patients underwent voiding cytology analysis, cystoscopy, and RBB to evaluate the effects of BCG therapy. We evaluated the association between clinical parameters (voiding cytology and cystoscopy findings) and the final pathological results by RBB specimens. Results: According to the pathological results of RBB, 30 (29%) patients had BCG-unresponsive disease (remaining urothelial carcinoma was confirmed pathologically) and 20 were diagnosed with CIS. Positive/suspicious voiding cytology and positive cystoscopy findings were well observed in patients who had BCG-unresponsive disease compared with their counterparts (p = 0.116, and p < 0.001, respectively). The sensitivity (Sen.), specificity (Spe.), positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of voiding cytology were 50%, 68%, 39%, and 77%, respectively. The values for cystoscopy findings were as follows: Sen.: 87%, Spe.: 57%, PPV: 46%, and NPV: 91%. The values for their combination (having either of them) were as follows: Sen.: 100%, Spe.: 44%, PPV: 43%, and NPV: 100%. Conclusion: RBB after BCG therapy for patients with negative voiding cytology and negative cystoscopy may be omitted because their risk of BCG-unresponsive disease is significantly low (NPV: 100%).

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 治療法の再整理とアップデートのために 専門家による私の治療 副腎腫瘍

    武田 利和, 大家 基嗣

    日本医事新報 ((株)日本医事新報社)   ( 5029 ) 40 - 41 2020.09

    ISSN  0385-9215

  • 高齢者の急性単純性膀胱炎より分離された大腸菌に対する各種抗菌薬感受性に関する検討(2018年)

    宮田 和豊, 平沼 俊亮, 岡部 尚志, 荻原 広一郎, 武田 利和, 宮原 誠

    泌尿器外科 (医学図書出版(株))  33 ( 臨増 ) 878 - 878 2020.06

    ISSN  0914-6180

  • Mitrofanoff導尿路造設術後の再発性膀胱内tubular adenomaの1例

    宍戸 偉海, 梅田 浩太, 浅沼 宏, 高橋 遼平, 武田 利和, 松本 一宏, 森田 伸也, 小坂 威雄, 水野 隆一, 佐藤 温子, 佐藤 裕之, 大家 基嗣

    泌尿器外科 (医学図書出版(株))  33 ( 臨増 ) 884 - 884 2020.06

    ISSN  0914-6180

  • 難治性尿路感染症の原因であった前立腺小室嚢胞内膿瘍に対して、経尿道的ドレナージが有効であった一例

    平井 慎太郎, 松本 一宏, 三條 丹星, 楊井 祥典, 田中 伸之, 武田 利和, 森田 伸也, 小坂 威雄, 水野 隆一, 浅沼 宏, 秋田 大宇, 陣崎 雅弘, 大家 基嗣

    泌尿器外科 (医学図書出版(株))  33 ( 臨増 ) 902 - 902 2020.06

    ISSN  0914-6180

  • 泌尿器科領域におけるトラブルシューティング(第112回) 長期間留置された尿管ステントに対する対処法

    武田 利和, 大家 基嗣

    泌尿器外科 (医学図書出版(株))  33 ( 4 ) 354 - 356 2020.04

    ISSN  0914-6180

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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • Prediction of biochemical cure after adrenal sparing surgery for primary aldosteronism


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 基盤研究(C), Principal investigator

  • 前立腺癌に対するFocal Therapy候補者予測モデルの構築


    公益財団法人 前立腺研究財団, 平成30年度研究助成, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • ドラッグ・リポジショニングを用いた、膀胱癌に対する新規膀胱内注入療法


    日本学術振興会, 科学研究費助成事業, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)

  • 系統的前立腺針生検、MRIデータを用いた、前立腺癌に対するFocal therapy候補者予測モデルの構築


    第一三共株式会社, Research grant, Principal investigator

  • 前立腺全摘術における神経温存手技の確立


    第一三共株式会社, Research grant, Principal investigator

Awards 【 Display / hide

  • Reviewer of the journal in 2018

    武田利和, 2019.04, International Journal of Urology

    Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

  • 優秀研究課題

    武田利和, 2019.02, 公益財団法人 前立腺研究財団, 前立腺癌に対するFocal Therapy候補者予測モデルの構築

    Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.

  • Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing

    Toshikazu Takeda, 2018.03, International Journal of Surgery

    Type of Award: Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

  • 第86号 慶應義塾大学医学部泌尿器科学教室 田村賞



Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Committee Experiences 【 Display / hide

  • 2020.05

    泌尿器内視鏡学会 代議員