School of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics (Shinanomachi)
Assistant Professor/Senior Assistant Professor
Details of a Researcher
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Mitsuhashi, Takayuki
Research Fellow, Developmental Neurobiology Laboratory, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
Associate Professor(Non-tenured)
Keio University, Faculty of Medicine, 医学科
University, Graduated
Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Medicine, 内科系小児科学
Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course
Life Science / Anatomy
Life Science / Embryonic medicine and pediatrics
Cerebral Cortex
Cerebral cortical dysgenesis
Child Neurology
Developmental disabilities
Intellectual disabilities
高橋孝雄,藤村公乃,三橋隆行., 総合医学社, 2016.05
Scope: 脳形成異常
続・イメージからせまる小児神経疾患50 ―症例から学ぶ 診断・治療プロセス―
三橋隆行,高橋孝雄., 診断と治療社, 2015.11
Scope: 脳回形成メカニズムと大脳皮質内神経細胞数の変動について
ネルソン小児科学 原著第19版
三橋 隆行, エルゼビア・ジャパン, 2015.04
Scope: 26部 586章 小児期における発作(和訳)
発達科学入門2 胎児期~児童期
三橋隆行,吉井 聡,高橋孝雄., 東京大学出版会, 2012.02
Scope: 3-19
Mitsuhashi T, Takahashi T., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009
Scope: 588-591
Mitsuhashi T, Hattori S (equal contribution), Fujimura K, Shibata S, Miyakawa T, Takahashi T.
Dev Neurosci (Karger) 2023.04
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Lead author, Corresponding author, Accepted
Sasaki M, Mitsuhashi T, Goto F, Shibata S, Kubo K, Oku S, Owashi A, Takahashi T.
Dev Neurosci (Karger) 2023.01
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Corresponding author, Accepted
Large-Area Fluorescence and Electron Microscopic Correlative Imaging With Multibeam Scanning Electron Microscopy
Shibata S, Iseda T, Mitsuhashi T, Oka A, Shindo T, Moritoki N, Nagai T, Otsubo S, Inoue T, Sasaki E, Akazawa C, Takahashi T, Schalek R, Lichtman JW and Okano H.
Front Neural Circuits 13 ( 29 ) 2019.05
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Adverse effects of prenatal and early postnatal exposure to antiepileptic drugs: Validation from clinical and basic researches.
Fujimura K, Mitsuhashi T, Takahashi T.
Brain & Development (The Japanese Society of Child Neurology) 39 ( 8 ) 635-643 2017.09
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
In utero exposure to valproic acid induces neocortical dysgenesis via dysregulation of neural progenitor cell proliferation/differentiation.
Fujimura K, Mitsuhashi T, Shibata S, Shimozato S, Takahashi T.
Journal of Neuroscience 36 ( 42 ) 10908 - 10919 2016.10
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted
Effects of in utero environment on pathogenesis of neurodevelopmental disorders
Mitsuhashi, Takayuki
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2022
Effects of calorie restriction in utero on cerebral cortical histogenesis and postnatal behavior
Mitsuhashi, Takayuki
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2021
Mechanisms underlying gliogenesis of astrocytes in premature brain
Mitsuhashi, Takayuki
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2019
Effects of abnormal histone methylation on cerebral cortical histogenesis
Mitsuhashi, Takayuki
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2018
Effects of calorie restriction in utero on cerebral cortical histogenesis
Mitsuhashi, Takayuki
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2018
三橋 隆行
診断と治療 (診断と治療社) 105 ( 7 ) 859 - 863 2017.07
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
メチルフェニデートによるADHD治療 開始後早期に心筋梗塞と不整脈のリスクが増加
MMJ (毎日新聞出版) 13 20 - 21 2017.02
Book review, literature introduction, etc., Single Work
高橋孝雄, 三橋隆行.
小児疾患診療のための病態生理3 改訂5版 小児内科 (東京医学社) 48 247 - 251 2016.11
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)
発熱時の頭痛はどうして起きるのですか 頭痛の診かたQ&A
三橋 隆行
小児内科 (東京医学社) 48 ( 8 ) 1184 - 1185 2016.08
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media), Single Work
【慢性疾患をもつ子どもの成人へのtransition】 長期予後と成人後の医学的問題 小児神経疾患
日本医師会雑誌 143 ( 10 ) 2135 - 2138 2015.01
Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal), Joint Work, ISSN 0021-4493
LA-CLEM: novel procedure for Large Area Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy analysis with multi-beam scanning electron microscopy.
Iseda T, Shibata S, Mitsuhashi T, Otsubo S, Shindo T, Takahashi T, Okano H.
第40回日本生物学的精神医学会・第61回日本神経化学会大会 合同年会,
Poster presentation
妊娠全期間にわたる少量バルプロ酸胎内曝露は 生後自閉症様行動の原因となる.
三橋隆行,服部聡子,藤村公乃,芝田晋介,宮川 剛,高橋孝雄.
Oral presentation (general)
第58 回日本小児神経学会学術集会,
Oral presentation (general)
Valproic acid exposure in utero causes neocortical dysgenesis: Altered proliferation/differentiation pattern of neural progenitor cells
Neuroscience 2015 (Chicago, I.L., U.S.A.) ,
Poster presentation, Society for Neuroscience
In Utero Exposure to Valproic Acid Causes Cerebral Cortical Dysgenesis in Mice
Kimino Fujimura, Takayuki Mitsuhashi, Shinsuke Shibata, Sachiko Shimozato, Takao Takahashi
The 13th Asian and Oceania Congress of Child Neurology (Taipei, Taiwan) ,
Poster presentation, Asian and Oceania Society of Child Neurology
Treatment strategies for cortical dysfunctions caused by reduced neuronal cell number
基盤研究(C), Principal investigator
科学研究費補助金(文部科学省・日本学術振興会), Research grant, Principal investigator
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, Coinvestigator(s)
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, Principal investigator
平成17年度 太田敬三記念賞
MITSUHASHI TAKAYUKI, 2006.06, 財団法人 森永奉仕会, ダイオキシン胎内曝露が大脳皮質発生に与える影響に関する研究
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
平成17年度 私立大学情報教育協会賞
MITSUHASHI TAKAYUKI, 2006, 社団法人 私立大学情報教育協会, 患者データベースを用いた臨床実習システム
Type of Award: Award from publisher, newspaper, foundation, etc.
, Device of Educational Contents
, Device of Educational Contents
Society for Neuroscience,
Infantile Seizure Society,
The International Child Neurology Association,
Member, 日本小児科学会
Member, Society for Neuroscience
Member, 日本小児神経学会
Member, Infantile Seizure Society
Member, The International Child Neurology Association