加藤 源俊 (カトウ モトトシ)

Kato, Mototoshi



医学部 外科学教室(小児) (信濃町)




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  • The effectiveness of transoral marsupialization for lingual thyroglossal duct cysts — Twelve successfully treated cases at a single institution

    Harumatsu T., Uchida G., Fujimura T., Kato M., Tomita H., Ishioka S., Shimotakahara A., Shimojima N., Ieiri S., Hirobe S.

    Journal of Pediatric Surgery (Journal of Pediatric Surgery)  54 ( 4 ) 766 - 770 2019年04月

    ISSN  00223468


    © 2019 Elsevier Inc. Purpose: Lingual thyroglossal duct cysts (L-TGDCs) are rare and sometimes lethal owing to their association with asphyxia. We aimed to analyze our single institutional experience with L-TGDCs. Methods: Twelve L-TGDC cases treated at our institution between January 2010 and December 2017 were investigated. Results: The male/female ratio was 6/6. The age at the diagnosis was 2 ± 1.4 months (7 days to 6 months), and 3 patients were diagnosed in the neonatal period. The patients presented with stridor (n = 12; 100%), growth retardation (n = 5; 42%), apnea (n = 3; 25%), and vomiting (n = 1; 8.3%). Lateral X-rays were obtained in 8 cases (66.7%); a lingual mass was suspected in 7 (87.5%). Transoral marsupialization of the cyst was performed under direct vision in all cases. All cases were nasally and orally intubated using a laryngoscope, bronchoscope, or airway scope. The mean operative time was 18 ± 2.9 min. The mean cyst size was 10.5 ± 1.8 mm. No recurrence was observed during the follow-up period (37.5 ± 18 months). Conclusion: L-TGDC requires a precise diagnosis and rapid intervention because of the risk of asphyxia resulting in sudden death. Transoral marsupialization under direct vision is an effective and secure approach. L-TGDC should be considered when patients younger than six months of age present with respiratory distress. Type of study: Retrospective Study. Level of evidence: Level IV.

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