School of Medicine, Department of Surgery (General and Gastroenterological Surgery) (Shinanomachi)
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Tanaka, Masayuki
Nakano Y., Endo Y., Kitago M., Nishiyama R., Yagi H., Abe Y., Hasegawa Y., Hori S., Tanaka M., Shimane G., Soga S., Egawa T., Okuda S., Kitagawa Y.
Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery (Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery) 408 ( 1 ) 2023.12
ISSN 14352443
Hayashi K., Abe Y., Kitago M., Yagi H., Hasegawa Y., Hori S., Tanaka M., Nakano Y., Kitagawa Y.
Annals of Gastroenterological Surgery (Annals of Gastroenterological Surgery) 7 ( 3 ) 523 - 532 2023.05
Tanaka M., Heckler M., Mihaljevic A.L., Ei S., Klaiber U., Heger U., Büchler M.W., Hackert T.
Annals of surgical oncology (Annals of surgical oncology) 30 ( 4 ) 2411 - 2412 2023.04
Tanaka M., Heckler M., Mihaljevic A.L., Ei S., Klaiber U., Heger U., Büchler M.W., Hackert T.
Annals of Surgical Oncology (Annals of Surgical Oncology) 30 ( 4 ) 2401 - 2408 2023.04
ISSN 10689265
Pausch T.M., Liu X., Dincher J., Contin P., Cui J., Wei J., Heger U., Lang M., Tanaka M., Heap S., Kaiser J., Klotz R., Probst P., Miao Y., Hackert T.
Journal of Clinical Medicine (Journal of Clinical Medicine) 12 ( 5 ) 2023.03
Development of a new effective therapy of fulminant hepatitis to focus on sTLR.
Tanaka, Masayuki
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2014
Tanaka M., Hackert T.
Annals of Surgical Oncology (Annals of Surgical Oncology) 30 ( 4 ) 2409 - 2410 2023.04
ISSN 10689265