School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (Neurology) (Shinanomachi)
Assistant Professor/Senior Assistant Professor
Details of a Researcher
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Nihei, Yoshihiro
Nihei Y., Mori K., Werner G., Arzberger T., Zhou Q., Khosravi B., Japtok J., Hermann A., Sommacal A., Weber M., Kamp F., Nuscher B., Edbauer D., Haass C.
Acta Neuropathologica (Acta Neuropathologica) 139 ( 1 ) 99 - 118 2020.01
ISSN 00016322
The first report of a japanese case of seipinopathy with a BSCL2 N88S mutation
Minami K., Takahashi S., Nihei Y., Oki K., Suzuki S., Ito D., Takashima H., Suzuki N.
Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine) 57 ( 4 ) 613 - 615 2018
ISSN 09182918
Nihei, Yoshihiro
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2015
Examination of the inhibitory effect on cell-to-cell transmission of aberrant TDP-43 protein and neurodegeneration by TREM2 stimulation-mediated microglial activation
基盤研究(C), Principal investigator