School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine (Cardiology) (Shinanomachi)
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Hiraide, Takahiro
Cardiology department, Keio University School of Medicine
Keio University School of Medicine
University, Graduated
Ichihara G., Katsumata Y., Sugiura Y., Matsuoka Y., Maeda R., Endo J., Anzai A., Shirakawa K., Moriyama H., Kitakata H., Hiraide T., Goto S., Ko S., Iwasawa Y., Sugai K., Daigo K., Goto S., Sato K., Yamada K.I., Suematsu M., Ieda M., Sano M.
Circulation Research (Circulation Research) 133 ( 10 ) 861 - 876 2023.10
ISSN 00097330
Long-term Follow-up of Qing-Dai–Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: A Case Series
Matsushima T., Hiraide T., Momoi M., Shinya Y., Anzai A., Inami T., Fukuda K., Kataoka M., Ieda M.
CJC Open (CJC Open) 5 ( 10 ) 779 - 783 2023.10
Kimura M., Kohno T., Shinya Y., Hiraide T., Moriyama H., Endo J., Murata M., Fukuda K.
Canadian Journal of Cardiology (Canadian Journal of Cardiology) 39 ( 5 ) 637 - 645 2023.05
ISSN 0828282X
Shoji S., Sawano M., Inohara T., Hiraide T., Ueda I., Suzuki M., Noma S., Fukuda K., Kohsaka S.
JACC: Advances (JACC: Advances) 2 ( 1 ) 2023.01
Omega-3 fatty acid epoxides produced by PAF-AH2 in mast cells regulate pulmonary vascular remodeling
Moriyama H., Endo J., Kataoka M., Shimanaka Y., Kono N., Sugiura Y., Goto S., Kitakata H., Hiraide T., Yoshida N., Isobe S., Yamamoto T., Shirakawa K., Anzai A., Katsumata Y., Suematsu M., Kosaki K., Fukuda K., Arai H., Sano M.
Nature Communications (Nature Communications) 13 ( 1 ) 2022.12
RNF213-Associated Vascular Disease: A Concept Unifying Various Vasculopathies
Hiraide T., Suzuki H., Momoi M., Shinya Y., Fukuda K., Kosaki K., Kataoka M.
Life (Life) 12 ( 4 ) 2022.04
Pulmonary arterial hypertension caused by AhR signal activation protecting against colitis
Hiraide T., Teratani T., Uemura S., Yoshimatsu Y., Naganuma M., Shinya Y., Momoi M., Kobayashi E., Hakamata Y., Fukuda K., Kanai T., Kataoka M.
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine (American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine) 203 ( 3 ) 385 - 388 2021.02
ISSN 1073449X
Incidence and Predictors of Procedure-Related Coronary Artery Dissection in Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: A Report from a Multicenter Contemporary Registry
HIRAIDE Takahiro
European Society of Cardiology Congress,
Poster presentation
The effects of bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 2 mutation on right ventricular function in pulmonary arterial hypertension after optimal combination therapy
HIRAIDE Takahiro
Oral presentation (general)
Impact of chemokines in development of rare vasculopathies
若手研究, Principal investigator
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists , Principal investigator