School of Medicine, Cancer Center (Shinanomachi)
Senior Assistant Professor (Non-tenured)/Assistant Professor (Non-tenured)
Details of a Researcher
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Terai, Hideki
Manabe T., Yasuda H., Terai H., Kagiwa H.D.A., Hamamoto J., Ebisudani T., Kobayashi K., Masuzawa K., Ikemura S., Kawa I.D.A., Hayashi Y., Fukui K., Horimoto K., Fukunaga K., Soeji K.M.A.
Molecular Cancer Research (Molecular Cancer Research) 18 ( 4 ) 549 - 559 2020.04
ISSN 15417786
Tani T., Naoki K., Yasuda H., Arai D., Ishioka K., Ohgino K., Yoda S., Nakayama S., Satomi R., Terai H., Ikemura S., Sato T., Soejima K.
Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology) 84 ( 5 ) 1065 - 1071 2019.11
ISSN 03445704
Hasegawa H., Yasuda H., Hamamoto J., Masuzawa K., Tani T., Nukaga S., Hirano T., Kobayashi K., Manabe T., Terai H., Ikemura S., Kawada I., Naoki K., Soejima K.
Lung Cancer (Lung Cancer) 127 146 - 152 2019.01
ISSN 01695002
Oashi A., Yasuda H., Kobayashi K., Tani T., Hamamoto J., Masuzawa K., Manabe T., Terai H., Ikemura S., Kawada I., Naoki K., Soejima K.
Molecular Cancer Therapeutics (Molecular Cancer Therapeutics) 18 ( 9 ) 1593 - 1601 2019
ISSN 15357163
Overcoming Resistance to Dual Innate Immune and MEK Inhibition Downstream of KRAS
Kitajima S., Asahina H., Chen T., Guo S., Quiceno L., Cavanaugh J., Merlino A., Tange S., Terai H., Kim J., Wang X., Zhou S., Xu M., Wang S., Zhu Z., Thai T., Takahashi C., Wang Y., Neve R., Stinson S., Tamayo P., Watanabe H., Kirschmeier P., Wong K., Barbie D.
Cancer Cell (Cancer Cell) 34 ( 3 ) 439 - 452.e6 2018.09
ISSN 15356108
Terai, Hideki
学事振興資金研究成果実績報告書 (慶應義塾大学) 2022
Tumor innate immunity primed by specific interferon-stimulated endogenous retroviruses
Cañadas I., Thummalapalli R., Kim J., Kitajima S., Jenkins R., Christensen C., Campisi M., Kuang Y., Zhang Y., Gjini E., Zhang G., Tian T., Sen D., Miao D., Imamura Y., Thai T., Piel B., Terai H., Aref A., Hagan T., Koyama S., Watanabe M., Baba H., Adeni A., Lydon C., Tamayo P., Wei Z., Herlyn M., Barbie T., Uppaluri R., Sholl L., Sicinska E., Sands J., Rodig S., Wong K., Paweletz C., Watanabe H., Barbie D.
Nature Medicine (Nature Medicine) 24 ( 8 ) 1143 - 1150 2018.08
ISSN 10788956
Discovery of novel cancer treatment through elucidation of cGAS/STING pathway in lung squamous cell carcinoma
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 基盤研究(C), Principal investigator