Research Centers and Institutes, Human Biology-Microbiome-Quantum Research Center (Mita)
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Sampetrean, Oltea
Ezaki T., Kishima K., Shibao S., Matsunaga T., Pareira E.S., Kitamura Y., Nakayama Y., Tsuda N., Takahara K., Iwama T., Sampetrean O., Toda M., Ohnishi K., Shimono T., Sasaki H.
Scientific Reports 14 ( 1 ) 21430 2024.12
Ohtsuka Y, Suehiro S, Inoue A, Ohnishi T, Nishikawa M, Yamashita D, Yano H, Choudhury ME, Ozaki S, Sampetrean O, Saya H, Watanabe H, Tanaka J, Kunieda T
Journal of neurosurgery 141 ( 3 ) 1 - 11 2024.03
ISSN 0022-3085
Fukumura M., Nonoguchi N., Kawabata S., Hiramatsu R., Futamura G., Takeuchi K., Kanemitsu T., Takata T., Tanaka H., Suzuki M., Sampetrean O., Ikeda N., Kuroiwa T., Saya H., Nakano I., Wanibuchi M.
Scientific Reports (Scientific Reports) 13 ( 1 ) 10173 2023.12
Dual-radionuclide in vivo imaging of micro-metastasis and lymph tract with submillimetre resolution
Yagishita A., Takeda S., Ohnuki K., Katsuragawa M., Sampetrean O., Fujii H., Takahashi T.
Scientific Reports (Scientific Reports) 13 ( 1 ) 19464 2023.12
Gene therapy using genome-edited iPS cells for targeting malignant glioma
Tamura R., Miyoshi H., Imaizumi K., Yo M., Kase Y., Sato T., Sato M., Morimoto Y., Sampetrean O., Kohyama J., Shinozaki M., Miyawaki A., Yoshida K., Saya H., Okano H., Toda M.
Bioengineering and Translational Medicine (Bioengineering and Translational Medicine) 8 ( 5 ) e10406 2023.09
ISSN 2380-6761
Evaluation and targeting of the autonomous niche of glioma stem cells
Sampetrean, Oltea
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2021
Characterization and targeting strategies for the glioma stem cell niche
Sampetrean, Oltea
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2018
Sampetrean, Oltea
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2015
What can metabolites tell us about gliomas?
Sampetrean O., Saya H.
Neuro-Oncology (Neuro-Oncology) 24 ( 9 ) 1469 - 1470 2022.09
ISSN 15228517
Osuka S and Zhu D and Zhang Z and Li C and Stackhouse C and Sampetrean O and Olson J and Gillespie Y and Saya H and Willey C and Van Meir E
Neuro-oncology advances 2021.12
Plastic regulation of chromosome dynamics in cancer
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S), No Setting
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), No Setting
Evaluation and targeting of the autonomous niche of glioma stem cells
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Sampetrean Oltea, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
Novel and Interdisciplinary Application of Hard X-ray and Gamma-ray Detectors
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Takahashi Tadayuki, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas (Research in a proposed research area), No Setting
Characterization and targeting strategies for the glioma stem cell niche
MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, SAMPETREAN OLTEA, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator