Mukai, Kuniaki



School of Medicine, Medical Education Center (Shinanomachi)


Assistant Professor/Senior Assistant Professor

External Links

Other Affiliation 【 Display / hide

  • School of Medicine, 医化学

Academic Background 【 Display / hide

  • 1989.03

    Osaka University, 理学研究科, 生物化学専攻

    Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course

Academic Degrees 【 Display / hide

  • 理学博士, Osaka University, Coursework, 1989.03


Research Areas 【 Display / hide

  • Life Science / Functional biochemistry

Research Keywords 【 Display / hide

  • aldosterone

  • steroid hormones

  • adrenal cortex


Books 【 Display / hide

  • 内科学書 改訂第9版 内分泌疾患 代謝・栄養疾患(総編集 南学 正臣、部門編集 伊藤 裕、下村 伊一郎)

    向井 邦晃, 中山書店, 2019

    Scope: 副腎皮質の異常,  Contact page: 136-138

  • 原発性アルドステ口ン症診療マニュアル 第3版(成瀬光栄、平田結喜緒、田辺晶代編)

    西本紘嗣郎, 安田政実, 向井邦晃, 診断と治療社, 2017

    Scope: アルドステロン合成酵素の免疫染色によるPAの病理学的確定診断法から病態解明へ(p.151-156)

  • 原発性アルドステ口ン症診療マニュアル 第2版(成瀬光栄、平田結喜緒編)

    西本紘嗣郎, 向井邦晃, 診断と治療社, 2011

    Scope: アルドステロン合成酵素の免疫染色による原発性アルドステロン症の病理学的確定診断法(p.158-160)

  • 基礎生化学実験法 第3巻タンパク質 I.検出・構造解析法(日本生化学会編)

    向井邦晃, 東京化学同人, 2001

    Scope: SDS-ポリアクリルアミドゲル電気泳動法、ウェスタンブロット法(p.18-25)

  • Immortalized Adrenocortical Cells from Trangenic Mice Harboring a TemoeraruteSensitive SV40 Large T-Antigen Gene

    Mukai Kuniaki, Nagasawa Hideko, Mitani Fumiko, Miyamoto Hirokuni, Yanai Nobuaki, Obinata Masuo, Ishimura Yuzuru, 2000.01

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Papers 【 Display / hide

  • Spatially restricted substrate-binding site of cortisol-synthesizing CYP11B1 limits multiple hydroxylations and hinders aldosterone synthesis

    Kuniaki Mukai and Hiroshi Sugimoto and Katsumasa Kamiya and Reiko Suzuki and Tomomi Matsuura and Takako Hishiki and Hideo Shimada and Yoshitsugu Shiro and Makoto Suematsu and Norio Kagawa

    Current Research in Structural Biology (Elsevier {BV})   2021.08

  • Partial Adrenalectomy Carries a Considerable Risk of Incomplete Cure in Primary Aldosteronism.

    van de Wiel ECJ, Küsters B, Mann R, Veltien A, Aalders TW, Verhaegh GW, Mukai K, Deinum J, Langenhuijsen JF

    The Journal of urology 206 ( 2 ) 219 - 228 2021.08

    Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Accepted,  ISSN  0022-5347

  • ICLS講習会における症例による胸骨圧迫深さの変化

    勝田 考信, 中島 理加, トーマス・ジェームス , 向井 邦晃, 鈴木 秀和, 平形 道人, 門川 俊明

    日本シミュレーション医療教育学会雑誌 (日本シミュレーション医療教育学会)  8   59 - 62 2020.09

    ISSN  2187-9281

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    【目的】当シミュレーションラボでは毎年4回程度日本救急医学会認定ICLS(Immediate Cardiac Life Support)講習会を開いている。講習会において、VF/PulselessVT「以下PLVTと略す」、PEA/Asystoleのシナリオによってチームごとの胸骨圧迫の質が変化している事に注目し、それぞれの差異を調べた。【方法】対象者は研修医10名、臨床検査技師4名、看護師15名、医師1名。VF/PLVT、PEA/Asystoleのシナリオのチームごとの胸骨圧迫深さ平均値、及び5cm未満の胸骨圧迫の割合を測定した。評価はALSシミュレーター、アンブマン2016アドバンス(アンブ社製、デンマーク)の評価機能により測定。【結果】胸骨圧迫の深さ平均値はVF/PLVTでは5.53±0.54cm、PEA/心静止は4.94±0.81cmとなった。5cm未満の胸骨圧迫の割合はVF/PLVTは24.6%、PEA/心静止は47.0%、となった。深さ平均値の各有意差はVF/PLVT:PEA/心静止のp値=0.0297となり有意差が認められた。5cm未満の割合に対する有意差はVF/PLVT:PEA/心静止のp値=0.0302となり有意差が認められた。以上によりPEA/心静止のシナリオの時に胸骨圧迫が浅くなり、5cmを満たさない胸骨圧迫の割合が増える事がわかった。【考察】PEA/心静止のシナリオ時、胸骨圧迫が平均して浅くなりかつ5cmに到達出来ない胸骨圧迫の割合が増える事がわかった。胸骨圧迫の質が低下する理由の一つとして胸骨圧迫をおこないながら鑑別診断をする事が影響を与えたと考えられる。よって原因が明らかではないCPRでは胸骨圧迫の深さが浅くならないようにより注意する必要がある。(著者抄録)

  • Local biosynthesis of corticosterone in rat skeletal muscle

    Sato M., Sugiyama K., Maeda N., Fujiki J., Ieko T., Kawamura Y., Iwano H., Mukai K., Yokota H.

    Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)  201   105693 2020.07

    ISSN  09600760

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd Adrenal corticosterone plays crucial roles in energy metabolism and immuno-reactivity throughout the body. As we have previously shown that corticosterone biosynthesis in C2C12 myoblasts, we study about corticosterone biosynthesis in rat skeletal muscles. It was found that enzymatic activities producing corticosterone and testosterone except the activity of P450scc in rat skeletal muscle as like as C2C12 cells. The CYP11B mRNA encoding cytochrome P45011β that mediates 11-deoxycorticosterone hydroxylase activity, producing corticosterone was expressed in skeletal muscles. In immunoblotting analysis, cytochrome P45011β protein was expressed in rat muscles and whole organs especially higher levels in adrenal and brain. The localizations of corticosterone content and enzymatic activities involved in the production of corticosterone were preferentially observed in gastrocnemius fibers rather than in soleus fibers. The immunohistochemical analysis showed that the fast-twitch or type II muscle fibers positive to antibody against fast myosin heavy chain were preferentially stained with anti-cytochrome P45011β antibody in the gastrocnemius fiber. In addition, we detected corticosterone biosynthesis from pregnenolone sulfate conjugates in perfusion of the rat hindquarter. Corticosterone is synthesized in rat skeletal muscles and the biosynthesis was localized in the fast-twitch or type II muscle fibers. We speculated that the local synthesized corticosterone might be involved in glucocorticoid-induced muscle atrophy that preferentially occurs in fast muscle fibers, and the initial substrate of the local CORT biosynthesis were supported to be performed from the conjugates such as pregnenolone sulfate circulating in the blood flow.

  • Extension of survival in bilaterally adrenalectomized mice by implantation of SF-1/Ad4BP-induced steroidogenic cells

    Tanaka T., Aoyagi C., Mukai K., Nishimoto K., Kodama S., Yanase T.

    Endocrinology (United States) (Endocrinology (United States))  161 ( 3 )  2020.03

    ISSN  00137227

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    © Endocrine Society 2020. All rights reserved. Mesenchymal stroma/stem cells (MSCs) exist in adult tissues, such as adipose tissue and bone marrow, and differentiate into cells of multiple lineages. In previous studies, we found that MSCs differentiate into steroidogenic cells by forced expression of steroidogenic factor 1 (SF-1)/ adrenal 4 binding protein (Ad4BP), the master regulator of steroidogenesis and differentiation of pituitary gonadotrophs, adrenal glands, and gonads. In this study, SF-1/Ad4BP-induced steroidogenic cells derived from mouse adipose tissue-derived MSCs (ADSCs) were implanted under the kidney capsule of bilateral adrenalectomized (bAdx) mice. bAdx mice did not survive after 7 days. However, 4 of 9 bAdx mice implanted with SF-1/Ad4BP-induced steroidogenic cells, 1 of 10 bAdx mice transplanted with control ADSCs, and bAdx mice transplanted with an adrenal gland survived for 30 days. Plasma corticosterone levels in bAdx mice implanted with SF-1/Ad4BP-induced steroidogenic cells and control ADSCs were 5.41 ± 2.26 ng/mL (mean ± SEM) and undetectable at 7 days after implantation, respectively. After removal of the kidney bearing the graft from the surviving mice at 30 days after implantation, plasma corticosterone was not detected in any of the samples. Immunohistochemical staining revealed SF-1/Ad4BPpositive cells under the capsule of the kidney. Although we performed an adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) loading test on bAdx mice implanted with SF-1/Ad4BP-induced steroidogenic cells, ACTH responsiveness was not observed. Implantation of steroidogenic cells derived from ADSCs into bAdx mice increased the basal plasma corticosterone level and extended the survival of bAdx mice, suggesting the capability of restoring steroidogenic cells by cell transplantation therapy for adrenal insufficiency.

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Papers, etc., Registered in KOARA 【 Display / hide

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Reviews, Commentaries, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • ステロイドホルモン研究最前線 アルドステロン産生細胞と遺伝子変異 アルドステロン産生病変の進展様式

    西本 紘嗣郎, 向井 邦晃

    日本内分泌学会雑誌 ((一社)日本内分泌学会)  97 ( 1 ) 152 - 152 2021.04

    ISSN  0029-0661

  • ステロイド代謝の基本概念からの深化と再構成 ヒトにおけるアルドステロン産生制御とその逸脱

    西本 紘嗣郎, 向井 邦晃

    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 ((公社)日本生化学会)  93回   [1S09m - 02] 2020.09

  • ステロイド代謝の基本概念からの深化と再構成 アルドステロン・コルチゾール合成の構造生物学

    向井 邦晃, 杉本 宏, 神谷 克政, 香川 憲夫

    日本生化学会大会プログラム・講演要旨集 ((公社)日本生化学会)  93回   [1S09m - 01] 2020.09

  • ICLSにおける症例による胸骨圧迫深さの変化

    勝田 考信, 門川 俊明, 平形 道人, 鈴木 秀和, 向井 邦晃, 中島 理加, トーマス・ジェームス

    日本シミュレーション医療教育学会雑誌 (日本シミュレーション医療教育学会)  8   123 - 123 2020.09

    ISSN  2187-9281

  • アルドステロン合成細胞の視覚化による新しい副腎の世界

    西本 紘嗣郎, 向井 邦晃

    Urology Today (アステラス製薬(株))  27 ( 3 ) 112 - 117 2020.09

    ISSN  1348-0049

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Presentations 【 Display / hide

  • Mechanisms of the formation and maintenance of the functional zonation in the adrenal cortex


    The 13th international conference on cytochromes P450, biochemistry, biophysics and drug metabolism (Prague, Czech) , 


    Oral presentation (invited, special)

  • Cloning of a novel extracellular matrix protein: its expression levels inversely correlate with those of a zonal differentiation marker of adrenocortical cells

    向井 邦晃, 鈴木 玲子鈴木 恒陽三谷 芙美子末松 誠

    第76回日本生化学会大会 (横浜) , 


    Oral presentation (general)

  • EGF様およびcathepsin B様配列からなる新規分泌蛋白質AZ-1のマウス副腎における局在

    Suzuki Tsuneharu、Mukai Kuniaki、Agake Reiko、Mitani Fumiko、Suematsu Makoto



    Poster presentation

  • 未分化副腎皮質細胞株の分化能―特異的遺伝子の発現とステロイド産生

    Mukai Kuniaki、Mitani Fumiko、Agake Reiko、Suzuki Tsuneharu、Suematsu Makoto



    Poster presentation

  • 副腎皮質未分化細胞株におけるステロイドホルモン合成系遺伝子の発現能

    Suzuki Tsuneharu,Mukai Kuniaki,Agake Reiko,Mitani Fumiko,Totani Keiko,Suematsu Makoto



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Research Projects of Competitive Funds, etc. 【 Display / hide

  • 副腎皮質細胞の形質遷移に着目した細胞層構築・維持と破綻に関する分子基盤の解明


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, 基盤研究(C), Principal investigator

  • 体細胞モザイシズムを呈する原発性アルドステロン症の病変・病型形成機構の解明


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

  • Adrenocortical remodeling develops autonomous production of aldosterone


    MEXT,JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator

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    Aldosterone is secreted from adrenal cortex in mammals and has an essential role for homeostasis of body fluid volume. Formation of excessive aldosterone-producing lesions such as adrenal adenomas causes primary aldosteronism in humans. This study focused on pathogenesis of primary aldosteronism and examined excessive aldosterone-producing lesions from patients by using histochemical methods and gene mutation analyses. The results suggested that an aldosterone-producing cell-cluster, which we previously discovered in normal human adrenal cortex, could develop to a transitional lesion further growing to an adenoma. Somatic mutations of a group of ion channel/pump genes were likely to play key roles for development from an aldosterone-producing cell-cluster to an adenoma through such a transitional lesion.


Courses Taught 【 Display / hide











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Courses Previously Taught 【 Display / hide

  • 医化学

    Keio University


    Full academic year, Lecture, Lecturer outside of Keio

  • 医化学

    Keio University


    Full academic year, Lecture, Lecturer outside of Keio

  • 医化学

    Keio University


    Full academic year, Lecture

  • 医化学

    Keio University


    Full academic year, Lecture

  • 医化学

    Keio University


    Full academic year, Lecture

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Memberships in Academic Societies 【 Display / hide

  • 日本生化学会, 

  • 日本医学教育学会, 
