Faculty of Business and Commerce (Mita)
Professor Emeritus
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Ono, Shuzo
guest professor at the University Bonn
Keio University, Faculty of Laws, 政治学科
University, Graduated
Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Law
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Keio University, Graduate School, Division of Law
Graduate School, Withdrawal after completion of doctoral course requirements, Doctoral course
Humanities & Social Sciences / Politics
Humanities & Social Sciences / Sociology (Sociology (including Social Welfare))
Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese history (Japanese History)
Emigration as Child Welfare by Ishii Juji and Toshiro Kashima,
A Penologist in Meiji Japan:Ogawa Shigejiro
ONO SHUZO, Keio University Press, 2012.02
Scope: 222
Starting Situation of Co-operative Administration in Taisho Japan
Shuzo Ono, Jichosha, 1994.04
Scope: 196
A Paradox of Government and Self-government
Shuzo Ono
Essays on Civil Politics (Seori Shobo) 89-111 2003.02
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Ogawa Shigejiro and His Age
Shuzo Ono
Political Thinking in Contemporary Situation (Nihon Keizai Hyoronsha) 237-255 2007.03
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
A Comparative Study of the Okayama Orphanage of Juji Ishii and the Osaka Orphan Asylum of Toshiro Kashima
Essays from Hiyoshi in Celebration of the 50th Aniversary of the Founding of the Faculy of Business and Commerce (Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University) 587-601 2007.09
Research paper (conference, symposium, etc.), Single Work
A Memoir of a Teacher of Keio University at Hiyoshi since 1980s.
The Hiyoshi Review of Social Sciences (THe Hiyoshi Review Publishing Committee) ( 24 ) 1-19 2014.02
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, ISSN 1342-5390
A Brief Sketch of a Study Group on Fukuzawa and his Students
Bulletin of Modern Japanese Studies (Fukuzawa Memorial Center for Modern Japanese Studies) 30 67-89 2014.02
Research paper (bulletin of university, research institution), Single Work, Accepted, ISSN 0911-4181
Political Influence of a Former Prime Minister Kiyoura Keigo
Ono, Shūzō
The Hiyoshi review of the social sciences (慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会) ( 29 ) 1(40) - 17(24) 2018
ISSN 13425390
A biographical study of Kiyoura Keigo as a prime minister in Taisho era
Ono, Shuzo
The Hiyoshi review of the social sciences (慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会) ( 27 ) 34(29) - 62(1) 2016
ISSN 13425390
A biographical study on Takahashi Kenzo, a journalist in Meiji period
Ono, Shuzo
The Hiyoshi review of the social sciences (慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会) ( 26 ) 29(24) - 52(1) 2015
ISSN 13425390
A biographical research of a buddhist family in modern Japan
Ono, Shuzo
The Hiyoshi review of the social sciences (慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会) ( 25 ) 36(49) - 84(1) 2014
ISSN 13425390
A brief sketch of a study group on Fukuzawa and his students
Ono, Shuzo
Bulletin of modern Japanese studies (慶應義塾福沢研究センター) 30 67 - 89 2013
ISSN 09114181
Welfare Network of Orphanages in Modern Osaka
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, No Setting
Development of Okayama Orphanage Osaka Office in the early 20th century
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, No Setting
Emigration as Child Welfare by Ishii Juji and Toshiro Kashima
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Research grant, No Setting
ONO SHUZO, 2012.11, 監獄行政官僚と明治日本―小河滋次郎研究
Type of Award: Keio commendation etc.
Japasnese Political Science Association