Faculty of Economics (Mita)
Professor Emeritus
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Ballhatchet, Helen
'''''''I am interested in the way in which different cultures inter-react, and the influence of political and economic variables on this inter-reaction.'''''''
Lecturer, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Other, 東洋アフリカ研究部日本語学科
United Kingdom, University, Graduated
Other, ロンドン・スクール・オブ・エコノミクス
United Kingdom, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
Ph.D, University of London, Dissertation, 1984.11
, Other, 1984.11
Humanities & Social Sciences / History of thought (History of Ideas)
Humanities & Social Sciences / European literature (English language and literature)
Humanities & Social Sciences / Japanese linguistics (Japanese language)
History of Christianity
Christianity in Japan
Fukuzawa Yukichi
People's Rights Movement in Meiji Japan
Fukuzawa Yukichi's writings on women and the family,
Development of teaching methods, tests and materials for the core English course of a university economics department,
The history of Christianity in Korea and Japan,
Teach yourself Japanese, 3rd edn
Ballhatchet Helen, Hodder & Stoughton,London, 2003
My adventures in Japan
Ballhatchet Helen, 横浜 有隣堂, 1993.11
Scope: 166
Fukuzawa Yukichi as a Father: Translations of Letters Written to His Two Eldest Sons While They Were in the United States, 1883-1888
Ballhatchet J Helen
The Hiyoshi Review of English Studies ( 62 ) 2013.03
正確性」と「透明性」 - 『福澤諭吉英文著作集』翻訳の難しさ -
Ballhatchet J Helen
福澤手帖 ( 144 ) 5 - 10 2010.03
グローバル時代の福澤諭吉 - 『福澤諭吉英文著作集』の刊行について -
Ballhatchet J Helen
福澤手帖 ( 第143号 ) 2009.12
Christianity and Gender Relationships in Japan: Case Studies of Marriage and Divorce in Early Meiji Protestant Circles
Ballhatchet Helen
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies (Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture) 34 ( 1 ) 177-201 2007
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
The Modern Missionary Movement in Japan: Roman Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox
Ballhatchet Helen
Mark Mullins, ed., Handbook of Christianity in Japan 35-68 2003
Research paper (scientific journal), Single Work, Accepted
Ballhatchet, Helen
The Hiyoshi review of English studies (慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会) ( 62 ) 1 - 49 2013.03
ISSN 09117180
Creating a University English Course which will Meet the Needs of Society
Ballhatchet, Helen
慶應義塾大学日吉紀要. 言語・文化・コミュニケーション (慶應義塾大学日吉紀要刊行委員会) ( 24 ) 132 - 159 2000.03
Converts and Conversion in an East Asian Context
Ballhatchet Helen
Conversion and Converts (Yale University) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), Yale-Edinburgh Group on the History of the Missionary Movement and Non-Western Christianity
Converts and Conversion in an East Asian Context
Ballhatchet Helen
Conversion and Converts (Yale Divinity School, New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.) ,
Oral presentation (invited, special), Yale-Edinburgh Group on the History of the Missionary Movement and Non-Western Christianity
regular student evaluation of courses development of website to support courses participation in FD project with other teachers of English in the Faculty of Economics
Ballhatchet Helen