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Kawabata, Mizuki
The University of Tokyo, Center for Spatial Information Science, Post-Doc Researcher
The University of Tokyo, Center for Spatial Information Science, Associate Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Economics, Associate Professor
Keio University, Faculty of Economics, Professor
National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Visiting Lecturer/Special Lecturer
Keio University, Faculty of Economics
University, Graduated
Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance, Master's Program
Graduate School, Completed, Master's course
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Doctoral Program
United States, Graduate School, Completed, Doctoral course
Bachelor (Economics), Keio University, 1995.03
Master (Media and Governance), Keio University, Coursework, 1997.03
Ph.D. (Urban and Regional Planning), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Coursework, 2002.06
GIS Professional (GIS Certification Institute in the U.S.), GIS専門家, 2005.09
Humanities & Social Sciences / Economic policy (spatial information science, economic geography, urban and regional policy)
geographic information systems (GIS)
economic geography
urban and regional policy
Economic Effects of Urban Development for Disaster Prevention
Kawabata, M., The Mitsubishi Economic Research Institute, 2024.01
SMART X SOCIETY: Creating a New Society through Technology Implementation
Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC and Keio University "Urban and Regional Mobility Industries" Lecturer Team, Toyo Keizai Inc., 2023.05
Scope: Kawabata, M. "Spatial Information Science and Solving Social Issues", Contact page: 213-221
Introduction to GIS for Economic and Policy Analysis through Case Studies using QGIS, R, and GeoDa
Kawabata, M. (Ed.), Kokon-Shoin, Publisher, 2022.10
Introduction to GIS for Economic and Policy Analysis 1: Basics with ArcGIS Pro. Second Edition.
Kawabata, M., Kokon-Shoin, Publisher, 2022.04
Human Geography
Takeyama, M., Matsubara, A. (eds.), Keio University Press, 2019.04
Scope: Kawabata, M. "Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and the exploration of geographical world", Contact page: 94-109
Poverty and Spatial Clusters of Children in Single-Mother Households
Kawabata, M., Abe, Y., Shibatsuji, Y.
The Quarterly Journal of Housing and Land Economics 129 10 - 19 2023.06
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Corresponding author
Assessing the benefits of urban disaster prevention improvements: a spatial panel data analysis of land price
Yasuda, S., Kawabata, M., Naoi, M.
Quarterly Housing and Land Economics 126 20 - 27 2022.10
Research paper (scientific journal)
Earthquake risk reduction and residential land prices in Tokyo
Kawabata, M., Naoi, M., Yasuda, S.
Journal of Spatial Econometrics 3 2022
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Corresponding author, Accepted
Spatial clustering patterns of children in single-mother households in Japan
Abe, Y., Kawabata, M., Shibatsuji, Y
Journal of Spatial Econometrics 2 1 - 33 2021
Research paper (scientific journal), Joint Work, Corresponding author, Accepted
Relationships between Spatial Patterns of Single-Mother Households and Public Housing Location: An Exploratory Data Analysis in the Tokyo Ward Area
Shibatsuji, Y., Kawabata, M.
Theory and Applications of GIS 29 ( 2 ) 43 - 52 2021
Research paper (scientific journal), Accepted
Kawabata, Mizuki
科学研究費補助金研究成果報告書 2022
Development of High-Precision Geospatial Information Utilization Methods in Urban and Regional Economic Analysis and Their Application to Spatial Causal Inference
JSPS, KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Exploratory Research, No Setting, Principal investigator
JSPS, KAKENHI, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A), No Setting, Coinvestigator(s)
Urban and Regional Economic Analysis Utilizing GIS and High-Precision Geospatial Information
Keio University, Keio Gijuku Academic Development Funds (Collaborative Research), No Setting, Principal investigator
The use of GIS and tools of spatial statistics and spatial econometrics for urban and regional economic analysis
JSPS, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Mizuki Kawabata, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), Principal investigator
Spatial econometric analysis of disaster risk and land price using GIS and spatial panel data
Japan Center for Economic Research, Research Grant, Mizuki Kawabata, Principal investigator
Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Award (Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT)
2002.06, Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT
Country: United States
2002.11, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning
Type of Award: International academic award (Japan or overseas), Country: United States
Research Encouragement Award (GIS Association of Japan)
2006.10, GIS Association of Japan
Best Paper Award of ARSC (Applied Regional Science Conference)
2015.11, 応用地域学会
CSIS DAYS 2024 Best Presentation Award
Kawabata, M., Naoi, M., Yasuda, S.: Economic benefits of earthquake damage risk reduction, 2024.11, Center for Spatial Information Science, the University of Tokyo
Type of Award: Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.
Online GIS Educational Materials
, Development of Textbook and Teaching Material
Economic geography: developing spatial thinking with GIS. Lecture for Keio high school students.
, Lecture at Education Method and Practice
GIS and spatial data application. PORT2030 Study Group, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Tokyo, Japan.
, Lecture at Education Method and Practice
Applications of GIS in Economic Analysis. Lecture for Keio high school students, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.
, Lecture at Education Method and Practice
Economic geography: basics and applications of GIS (geographic information systems). High School and University Integrated Course, Keio Senior High School
, Lecture at Education Method and Practice
GIS Association of Japan,
Japanese Economic Association,
Applied Regional Science Conference,
American Economic Association,
Board Member, Geographic Information System Association
Member, Research Council, the Center for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo
Member, Management Committee, Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
Council member, Housing Research and Advancement Foundation of Japan
Member, Land Appraisal Committee, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Government of Japan